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meaning in common language. See id.

I. Ark. Code Ann. § 16-55-202

Petitioners argue that the nonparty-fault provision of the CJRA, codified at Ark. Code Ann. § 16-55-202, is unconstitutional because: (1) it violates the due-process guarantees of Article 2, § 8 of the Arkansas Constitution; (2) it violates Article 5, § 32 and Article 2, § 13 of the Arkansas Constitution by limiting recoveries and precluding complete recoveries for personal injuries; (3) it invades the Arkansas Supreme Court's constitutional grant of authority to establish the rules of pleading, practice, and procedure pursuant to Amendment 80, § 3 of the Arkansas Constitution; and (4) it violates the separation-of-powers clause found in Article 4, § 2 of the Arkansas Constitution. Respondents disagree with these arguments and aver that section 16-55-202 should be upheld as it is rationally related to a desirable and legitimate objective.

The nonparty-fault provision of the CJRA reads:

(a) In assessing percentages of fault, the fact finder shall consider the fault of all persons or entities who contributed to the alleged injury or death or damage to property, tangible or intangible, regardless of whether the person or entity was or could have been named as a party to the suit.

(b)(1) Negligence or fault of a nonparty shall be considered if the plaintiff entered into a settlement agreement with the nonparty or if the defending party gives notice that a nonparty was wholly or partially at fault not later than one hundred twenty (120) days prior to the date of trial.

(2) The notice shall be given by filing a pleading in the action designating the nonparty and setting forth the nonparty's name and last known address, or the best identification of the nonparty which is possible under the circumstances, together with a brief statement of the basis for believing the nonparty to be at fault.

(c)(1) Except as expressly stated in this section, nothing in this section shall eliminate or diminish any defenses or immunities which currently exist.
