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Prayers and Meditations.


Jan. I, 17^, after 3 in the morning.

Almighty God, by whose will I was created, and by whose Providence I have been sustained, by whose mercy I have been called to the knowledge of my Redeemer, and by whose Grace whatever I have thought or acted acceptable to thee has been inspired and directed, grant, O Lord, that in reviewing my past life, I may recollect 1 thy mercies to my preservation 2 , in what ever state thou preparest for me, that in affliction I may remember how often I have been succoured, and in Prosperity may know and confess from whose hand the blessing is received. Let me, O Lord, so remember my sins, that I may abolish them by true repentance, and so improve the Year to which thou hast graciously extended my life, and all the years which thou shalt yet allow me, that I may hourly become purer in thy sight ; so that I may live in thy fear, and die in thy favour, and find mercy at the last day, for the sake of Jesus Christ. Amen.



Almighty God, the giver of all good things, without whose help all Labour is ineffectual, and without whose grace all wisdom is folly, grant, I beseech Thee, that in this my under taking, thy Holy Spirit may not be withheld from me, but that I may promote thy glory, and the Salvation both of myself and others ; grant this, O Lord, for the sake of Jesus Christ. Amen.

1 improve, scored out. professedly serious, if I have been

2 support and comfort, scored out. able to execute my own intentions,

3 Quoted in the Life, i. 202. will be found exactly conformable to The first paper of the Rambler was the precepts of Christianity, without

published on March 20, 1749-50. any accommodation to the licentious-

In the original manuscript there is ness and levity of the present age.

written after this prayer: 'Lord I therefore look back on this part

bless me. So be it.' Through these of my work with pleasure, which no

words a pen has been drawn. blame or praise of man shall diminish

In the last paragraph of the last or augment.' Rambler, } ohnson says : ' The essays


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