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thy holy word, that I may lose no more opportunities of good ; I am sorrowful, O Lord, let not my sorrow be without fruit. Let it be followed by holy resolutions, and lasting amendment, that when I shall die like my mother, I may be received to ever lasting life.

I commend, O Lord, so far as it may be lawful, into thy hands, the soul of my departed Mother, beseeching Thee to grant her whatever is most beneficial to Her in her present state.

Lord, grant me thy Holy Spirit, and have mercy upon me for Jesus Christ's sake. Amen.

And, O Lord, grant unto me that am now about to return to the common comforts and business of the world, such moderation in all enjoyments, such diligence in honest labour, and such purity of mind, that, amidst the changes, miseries, or pleasures of life, I may keep my mind fixed upon thee, and improve every day in grace, till I shall be received into thy kingdom of eternal happiness.

1 returned thanks for my mother's good example, and im plored pardon for neglecting it.

I returned thanks for the alleviation of my sorrow. The dream of my brother z I shall remember.



March the 24, 1759, rather 25, after 12 at night.

Almighty God, heavenly Father, who hast graciously pro longed my life to this time, and by the change of outward things which I am now to make 3 , callest me to a change of inward affections, and to a reformation of my thoughts words and practices. Vouchsafe merciful Lord that this call may not be vain. Forgive me whatever has been amiss in the state which I am now leaving, Idleness, and neglect of thy word and worship. Grant me the grace of thy Holy Spirit, that the course which I am now begining may proceed according to thy laws, and end

1 His brother died in 1737. Life, 3 He had moved on the 23rd from i. 90. Gough Square to Staple Inn. Letters,

2 Jej. I conjecture is put for Je- i. 86. See also Life, i. 350. jumts, fasting.


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