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And ſtrove to get a young one,
Some chaiſes for to drive,
tol de rol al,

I'll drink to the chaiſe drivers,
As long as I'm alive,
Heav'ns bleſs the pretty,
That the chaiſes do drive.
tol de rol al,

The young Man's Liberty.

Come all you young men,
wherever you be,
I would have you take care,
how you loſe your liberty,
For when a man ſingle,
he is free from all ſtrife,
And while you ſuch liberty,
who wou'd have a wife.

When I go to a fair,
with my laſſie I do have,
My laſſie ſhe does ſmile on me,
with a black rolling eye,
She gives me kind embraces,

is the comfort of my life,