Page:Joseph Story, Commentaries on the Constitution of the United States (1st ed, 1833, vol I).djvu/160

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vided such laws were consonant with reason, and, as near as conveniently, may be agreeable to the laws and customs of the realm of England.[1] It also provided, that the inhabitants and their children should be denizens and lieges of the kingdom of England, and reputed and held as the liege people born within the kingdom; and might inherit and purchase lands, and sell and bequeath the same; and should possess all the privileges and immunities of natural born subjects within the realm. Many other provisions were added, in substance like those in the former charter.[2] Several detached settlements were made in Carolina, which were at first placed under distinct temporary governments; one was in Albemarle; another to the south of Cape Fear.[3] Thus various independent and separate colonies were established, each of which had its own assembly, its own customs, and its own laws; a policy, which the proprietaries had afterwards occasion to regret, from its tendency to enfeeble and distract the province.[4]

§ 132. In the year 1669, the proprietaries, dissatisfied with the systems already established within the province, signed a fundamental constitution for the government thereof, the object of which is declared to be, "that we may establish a government agreeable to the monarchy, of which Carolina is a part, that we may avoid making too numerous a democracy."[5] This constitution was drawn up by the celebrated John Locke;
  1. 1 Williams's N. Car. 230, 237.
  2. 1 Holmes's Annals, 340; 1 Chalm. Annals, 521, 522; 1 Williams's N. Car. 230 to 254; Iredell's Laws of N. Car. Charter, p. 1 to 7.
  3. 1 Chalm. Annals, 519, 520, 524, 525; 1 Williams's N. Car. 88, 91, 92, 93, 96, 97, 103, 114.
  4. 1 Chalm. Annals, 521.
  5. 1 Chalm. Annals, 526, 527; 1 Holmes's Annals, 350, 351, and note; Carolina Charters, 4to. London, p. 33.