Page:Joseph Story, Commentaries on the Constitution of the United States (1st ed, 1833, vol II).djvu/388

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be in the constitution; because if they are, and have any meaning, they enlarge it beyond the scope of certain other enumerated powers, and this is both mischievous and dangerous. Being in the constitution, they are to be deemed, vox et preterea nihil, an empty sound and vain phraseology, a finger-board pointing to other powers, but having no use whatsoever, since these powers are sufficiently apparent without.[1] Now, it is not too much to say, that in a constitution of government, framed and adopted by the people, it is a most unjustifiable latitude of interpretation to deny effect to any clause, if it is sensible in the language, in which it is expressed, and in the place, in which it stands. If words are inserted, we are bound to presume, that they have some definite object, and intent; and to reason them out of the constitution upon arguments ab inconvenienti, (which to one mind may appear wholly unfounded, and to another wholly satisfactory,) is to make a new constitution, not to construe the old one. It is to do the very thing, which is so often complained of, to make a constitution to suit our own notions and wishes, and not to administer, or construe that, which the people have given to the country.

§ 917. But what is the argument, when it is thoroughly sifted? It reasons upon a supposed dilemma, upon which it suspends the advocates of the two contrasted opinions. If the power to provide for the common defence and general welfare is an independent
  1. In a Debate of 7th of Febuary, 1792. (4 Elliot's Deb. 236.) Mr. Madison puts them, (manifestly as his own construction,) "as a sort of caption, or general description of the specified powers, and as having no farther meaning, and giving no further powers, than what is found in that specification." See also, Mr. Madison's Veto message, on the Bank Bonus Bill, 3d March, 1817. 4 Elliot's Deb. 280, 281.