Page:Journal and proceedings of the Royal Society of New South Wales (IA Journalproceedi421908roya).djvu/106

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on his life, and a portrait (tab. 22), will be found in Acta Horti Bergiana, Band 3, No. 2 (Wittrock).

Kippist, Richard (1812-1882). Born at Stoke Newington, London, 11th June, 1812; died at Chelsea, London, 14th January, 1882. Entered the service of the Linnean Society in 1830, and in 1842 was chosen Librarian, which post he filled till 1881. He did not publish much, but he always took an interest in Australian plants and assisted Bentham, Mueller, and other workers at such plants with his advice. Biographical notices of him will be found in Proc. Linn. Soc, 1880-2, p. 64, and "Nature," 19th January, 1882. See also (1). His works include:—"On Jansonia, a new genus of Leguminosae from Western Australia." Trans. Linn. Soc, xx., 383. "On Acradenia, a new genus of Diosmæ," ib. xxi., 207, and he is commemorated in the Australian genus Kippistia, F.v.M. = Minuria, also in Dryandra Kippistiana, Meissn.; Hakea Kippistiani,Meissn.

Lambert, Aylmer Bourke (1761–1842). Born at Bath, 2nd February, 1761; died at Kew, 10th January, 1842. For biographical details see (1). He was a wealthy and cultured patron of botany, who early busied himself in collecting Australian herbarium specimens, and raising Australian plants. His herbarium was second only in importance to that of Sir Joseph Banks, but at his death it was broken up, part going to the British Museum and part to the Herbier Delessert. He is commemorated in the Australian Lambert ia, Sm.; Sccevola Lambertiana, DeVr. = S. Kcenigii, Vahl.; Hakea Lamberti, Sweet =?

Lhotsky, Johann (1800 -?) Natus d. 27. m. Junii 1800 in Lemberg (Galizia, Austria), Pragae,Vindobonae, Berolini Parisiis studiorum causa versatus gradum Dr. med. adeptus, Vindobonse vixit et m. Majo 1830 ad Brasiliam abiit, initio ad Bahia, dein m. Majo 1831 navi in prov. Rio de Janeiro ad plantas et alias res naturales colligendas. In Rio her-