Page:Journal history of the Twenty-ninth Ohio veteran volunteers, 1861-1865.djvu/100

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Battle of Resaca, Georgia—In Pursuit of the Fleeing Chivalry (?)

At an early hour on the morning of May 15th sharp skirmishing opened along our entire front. General Geary's Second division moved a short distance to the left and halted for orders. About 11 o'clock Generals Sherman, Hooker, and Thomas, with their respective staffs, reached the battlefield and immediately held a council of war. General Hooker is requested to assume command of selected troops to take the offensive, and is asked how large a force he required to capture a certain fort directly in our front, known to be the enemy's stronghold and the key to his position. Hooker astonished his superiors by replying: "Geary's division can, I think, carry that position if it can be done by anyone." As this conversation was heard by our men we were prepared for what was to follow.

As soon as General Geary had received his instructions, the Second division moved to the attack in the following orders: Second and Third brigades in the advance, with the First brigade closely massed in their rear, the latter advancing closely in support of the attacking column. Our advance was met with obstinate resistance, yet we steadily pushed forward, driving the enemy back and gaining possession of three lines of hills in rapid succession, the last of which was in close proximity to the rebel fort, only a narrow ravine intervening. The enemy are strongly entrenched in earthworks extending in the rear of the fort. The First brigade commenced