Page:Journal history of the Twenty-ninth Ohio veteran volunteers, 1861-1865.djvu/104

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Pumpkin Vine Creek—Dallas, or New Hope Church—Slight Unpleasantness—Personal.

At Pumpkin Vine creek we discover the enemy and drive back his skirmishers, who are stationed on its opposite bank, recovering the bridge, which we cross and throw out skirmishers on the opposite side. While this was being accomplished, General Hooker and Staff, with a small body guard, pushed ahead to reconnoiter. He had not advanced far, however, when he was attacked by a force of rebel sharp shooters. He now came tearing back into our lines shouting to General Geary to move his First brigade into position to hold the enemy in check until the Second and Third brigades should come up, they being some four miles in our rear. We quickly formed line by columns to the right and left, the Twenty-ninth Ohio occupying position on the extreme left, Knapp's battery taking position immediately in our rear, to cover the bridge in case we were forced to retire before reinforcements should reach us. As the left company of the Twenty-ninth were completing the battle-*line a rebel column was found marching in close proximity to our flank.

Ten paces to the front the skirmishers were hotly engaged, but our flank was uncovered. We immediately face to the left and prepare to fire, but are prevented by instructions not to draw on a general engagement but to hold the position at all hazards. The rebel column on our flank, however, slowly retired without firing a gun, and forming on their main line, which was massed in the