Page:Journal history of the Twenty-ninth Ohio veteran volunteers, 1861-1865.djvu/109

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31st the regiment was under fire, as usual, the greater part of the day, and at night was engaged in the construction of an advanced line of works, under a heavy fire from the entire rebel line. Before they were fully completed the rebels commenced an attack and we fell back on the main line. General Geary being present, exclaimed, "Get back to your command in readiness for an engagement." One ensued, which resulted in driving the enemy back with severe loss to them. We now resumed work and finally succeeded in completing the line, though continually annoyed by the enemy's firing.

On the morning of June 1st the regiment resumed its place on the front line and was soon furiously engaged, which continued during the fore part of the day. At noon the Twentieth corps was relieved by Logan's Fifteenth corps and moved to the left as support to the Fourth corps (General Howard). The following morning we moved towards the left and at 11 o'clock A. M. formed line and pushed forward in concert with Schofield's Twenty-third corps. We capture two lines of rebel works, the enemy falling back. That night we slept on our arms. At dawn on the 3d we advanced and were soon engaged with the enemy, the skirmishing along our whole line being very strong. During the day Sherman succeeded in turning the rebel right, causing him to retire with severe loss. Twenty-ninth loss: Killed, six; wounded, twenty-four; captured, one; total thirty-one. This is the tenth day we have been under fire. 4th.—Firing during all of last night. All quiet to-day.