Page:Journal history of the Twenty-ninth Ohio veteran volunteers, 1861-1865.djvu/15

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In the following pages no attempt at literary gush is made, the design being simply to preserve from oblivion the record of the valiant deeds of this, the bravest of the brave regiments from the Buckeye State, that in the dim, distant future, when each comrade shall have answered to his last earthly roll-call and gone to the "grand review" with the many whose bones now repose in that far away country of the orange and the magnolia, those left behind may not forget the sacrifices made, and the untold dangers endured for that flag, the beautiful, starry emblem of a now united people, whose supremacy preserved for them the blessings of this great country, the best beneath the ethereal vault of heaven.

The data from which the journal portion of the volume is composed was obtained from members of the regiment, who certify to its correctness. Colonel Jonas Schoonover furnished, from Atlanta to Washington.

The reader will mark the entire absence of personal laudation so common in works of this class, and the crowding of a few favored ones to the front to the exclusion of the hundreds of equally brave and meritorious men in perhaps lowly positions. That the fortunes of