Page:Journal of American Folklore vol. 12.djvu/356

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24 Jotirnal of American Folk-Lore.

give me a hand with this knot," and Brer Squirrel he make haste to go up and turn Brer Rabbit loose, and Brer Rabbit he make Brer Squirrel fast to the cord. The wind it swing Brer Squirrel way out thisaway and way out thataway, and Brer Squirrel he think it fine.

Brer Rabbit he say, " I go down to the spring to get a fresh drink. You can swing twell I come back."

Brer Squirrel he say, " Take your time, Brer Rabbit, take your time." Brer Rabbit he take his time, and scratch out for home fast as he can go, and he ain't caring how long Brer Squirrel swing.

Brer Squirrel he swing thisaway and he swing thataway, and he think it fine.

Presently here come Mr. Man. When Mr. Man he see Brer Squir- rel, he plum 'stonished. He say, " Oh, so old man, I done hear of many and many your fine tricks, but I never done hear you turn yourself into a squirrel before. Powerful kind of you, Brer Rabbit, to give me fine squirrel dinner."

Mr. Man he take Brer Squirrel home and cook him for dinner.


Brer Rabbit and Brer Fox was courting the Possum gal. Brer Rabbit were a mighty taking chap among the gals, and he have the gals nigh 'bout all to hisself. It Mr. Rabbit this, and Mr. Rabbit that, and the balance of the chaps have to stand back.

One night Brer Fox he go up to pay his respects to the Possum gal, and the servant fotch down word Miss Possum have an engage- ment, and Brer Fox he just naterally know Brer Rabbit am sitting up in the parlor with Miss Possum, and Brer Fox he jes' can't stand it, and he study, Brer Fox do, how he going fotch Brer Rabbit home. Now Brer Rabbit are a doctor. Brer Rabbit are a right smart of a doctor, sure 'nough.

Brer Fox he go home and he make like he have a fit and die, and he stretch hisself out on the floor like he plum dead, and Miss Fox and the little Foxes they rush round and cry and they say, " Send for the doctor ! send for the doctor ! " So the little Fox boy he put out hard as he can run for the doctor. He knock at Miss Possum's door ; he say, " Where the doctor ? A man dead and done send for the doctor." And Brer Rabbit he ask, " Who dead ? " And when he say it Brer Fox, Brer Rabbit he don' want to go, but Miss Possum she take on, and call Brer Rabbit a cruel man, so Brer Rabbit he put on his hat and put out for Brer Fox house.

When Brer Rabbit get to Brer Fox house, sure 'nough he fines Brer Fox stretched out plum dead, but Brer Rabbit he have his s'picions. He feel of Brer Fox heart, it right warm. Brer Rabbit he

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