Page:Journal of American Folklore vol. 12.djvu/411

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Bibliographical Notes.

The "Maliseet Vocabulary" of Mr. Montague Chamberlain (Harvard Cooperative Society: Cambridge, Mass., 1900, pp. 94), being entirely linguistic, lies outside of the province of this journal, and can here be mentioned only as a contribution to knowledge made by a student who is deeply interested in the preservation of legendary lore. An introduction is contributed by Professor W. F. Ganong.


1. American Oriental Society. Section for the historical study of religions. II. 1899. Economics of primitive religion. W. Hopkins.—Psychology of the Vedanta and Sankhya philosophies. C. C. Everett.—Historical study of religions in universities and colleges. M. Jastrow.—Relation between magic and religion. C. H. Toy.

2. The International Monthly. (Burlington, Vt.; by the Macmillan Co., New York and London.) Vol. I. No. 2, February, 1900. Recent work in the science of religion. C. H. Toy.

3. The Land of Sunshine. (Los Angeles.) No. 2, July, 1899. Among the Yaqui Indians in Sonora. V Granville.—Vol. XII. No. 2, January, 1900. A mission saints' day in 1868.—A fiesta at Mesa Grande. C. G. DuBois.

4. Folk-Lore. (London.) Vol. X. No. 4, December, 1899. The place of totemism in the evolution of religion. F. B. Jevons.—The folk-lore in the legends of the Panjab. R. C. Temple.—Reviews: works of M. H. Kingsley, West African studies; S. Bugge, The home of the Eddic poems; R. M. Lawrence, The magic of the horseshoe; P. Sébillot, Légendes locales de la Haute Bretagne, and La Veilleé de Noël; W. A. Craigie, Scandinavian folk-lore; N. Marr, Fables of Wardan; T. F. Thiselcon-Dyer, Old English social life; M. Höfler, Deutsches krankheitsnamenbuch.—Correspondence. The Niebelung treasure in English. Burial customs.—Miscellanea. Dorset folk-lore collected in 1897. A crown of thorns. Australian religion. Folk-tales from the Greek islands.—Bibliography.

5. Mélusine. (Paris.) Vol. IX. No. 2, September-October, 1899. Les superstitions popuJaires et la sorcelicrie en Alsace au XVIIe siècle. R. Reuss.—La fascination. (Continued in No 3.) J. Tuchmann.—Dictons et proverbes bretons. E. Ernault.—No. 3, November-December. Renaud le (illegible text) de femmes, chanson populaire. G. Donxieux.—Dictons et proverbes bretons, VII. E. Ernault.

6. Revue des Traditions Populaires. (Paris.) Vol. XIV. No. 10, October, 1899. Notes sur le culte de la terre. P. Sébillot.—Contes et légendes de l'Extrème-Orlent. R. Basset.—Folk-lore des romains de la Hongrie. Enchantements ou incantations. O. Mailand.—No. 11, November. Le culte des fontaines. P. Sébillot.—Contes et légendes arabes. R. Basset.—Les mois en Franche-Comté. Novembre. C. Beauquier.—No. 12, December. Les mois en Franche-Comté. Décembre. C. Beauqcuier.—Le comte et la fée, le roi Renaud. E. Ernault.—Devinettes du Poitou. R. M. Lacuve.—Contes et légendes arabes. CCLXVII.-CCLXXVL R. Basset.

7. Mittheilungen der Schlesischen Gesellschaft für Volkskunde. (Bres- lau.) Vol. VI. No. 2, 1899 Pint: auffuhruriEj schJesischer weihnachtsspiele. F. Vogt. — Schlesische legerden. O. WARUATSCH.---Anekdotenhafte sagen. A. Eichxer. — Besprechungsformelm. O. Senor.z. — No. 3. Dritter bericht fiber oberscMesische erzahlungen. W. Nehrixg. — Buntes aus der s iclost< ■.'-.. Ober- schlesiens. E. Olerich. — Schlesische redensar ten. W. Patschovsky.