Page:Journal of Florida Secession Convention.djvu/17

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tatives with regard to retaining the hall at present occupied by the Convention;

Which was lost.

Mr. Parkhill moved that Judge Finley be requested to qualify the Sergeant-at-Arms;

Which was carried.

Mr. Beard moved that a committee of three be appointed to make arrangements for a proper place for the sittings of this Convention, to report on Monday next;

The motion prevailed, and the President appointed Messrs. Beard, Kirksey and Davis said committee.

Mr. McIntosh moved that the floor of the Convention be cleared;

Which was carried.

Mr. Parkhill introduced the following resolution:

Be it resolved by this Convention, That immediate action in respect to the question of Secession is necessary, and we are willing, should the people of the State so desire it, that the action of this Convention be referred to them for ratification or rejection, the vote to be taken after the action of the Alabama and Georgia Conventions;

Which resolution, on motion of Mr. Beard, was laid upon the table.

Mr. McIntosh offered the following preamble and resolution:

Whereas, All hope of the preservation of the Federal Union upon terms consistent with the safety and honor of the slave-holding States, has been finally dissipated by the recent indications of the strength of the anti-Slavery sentiment of the free States. Therefore,

Be it Resolved by the People of the State of Florida in Convention assembled, That as it is the undoubted right of the several States of the Federal Union, known as the United States of America, to withdraw from the said Union at such time, and for such cause or causes, as in the opinion of the people of each State, acting in their sovereign capacity, may be just and proper, in the opinion of this Convention, the existing causes are such as to compel the State of Florida to proceed to exercise that right.

Mr. Ward moved that the preamble and resolution be laid on the table until Monday next, and that 100 copies be printed for the use of the Convention;

Pending which, upon motion of Mr. Davis, Messrs. Morton and Simpson of Santa Rosa, Wright and Nicholson of Escambia counties, presented their credentials, enrolled their names and took their seats in the Convention.

Upon Mr. Ward's motion the yeas and nays were called for by Messrs. Owens and Palmer and were: