Page:Journal of Florida Secession Convention.djvu/38

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under thy protecting care, and be Thou now and evermore our refuge and our defence. All of which we ask in the Redeemer's name.

Mr. Morton, of Santa Rosa, moved that Mr. Baker of Jackson be granted leave of absence for five days;

Which was agreed to.

Mr. Morton, of Santa Rosa, presented the following paper, and asked that it be spread upon the Journal:

The undersigned desire to set forth in writing the reasons which induced them to vote for the Ordinance of Secession, after the Convention had decided by its vote not to await the action of the States of Alabama and Georgia, and against the submission of the ordinance to the people for ratification or rejection, both of which measures the undersigned felt themselves bound to support and insist on, as well as other amendments looking to co-operation, knowing that their constituents deemed them wise and prudent.

The undersigned have not changed their views, as appears by their votes on the amendments offered to the ordinance, but voted for the ordinance to prevent any injurious effect which might arise from a large negative vote being recorded against secession.

The undersigned wish distinctly to announce to this Convention and the country that they have been and are now as fully alive to the wrongs perpetrated by the North against the South as any member of this Convention, and only differed with this Convention as to the mode and manner of redress.


Mr. Cooper of Nassau moved that leave of absence be granted to Mr. Lea of Madison until Monday next;

Which was agreed to.

Mr. Daniel of Duval moved that leave of absence for one week from to-morrow be granted to Mr. Baker of Calhoun;

Which was agreed to.

Mr. Ward of Leon offered the following resolution:

Resolved, That the action of this Convention having terminated all Federal relations on the part of this State, the Committee on Federal Relations shall be blended with the Committee on Foreign Relations;

Which was adopted.

Mr. Ward of Leon moved that he be discharged from the duties of Chairman on the Committee on Foreign Relations, and that Mr. McIntosh be substituted in his stead;

Which was agreed to.