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Journal of John H. Frost, 1840-43

spot the man that bore him threw him down on the ground, which caused him to groan loudly, which, however, was another proof to them that it was high time to bury him. Here, if I remember right, Mrs. S. talked with them again, and endeavoured to disuade them from the commission of such a horrid deed, saying that if they would leave him until morning she would pray with him and if he died, they would bury him in a proper manner; but they told her that she [k]new nothing about praying, a minister could pray, but she could not, and scolded her for being so heedless with refference to their obtaining a supply of salmon; while at the same time they were busily engaged in digging a hole to put the man in. After Mrs. S. found that she could not prevail with them she returned to her house, and was informed, afterwards, that when they had the hole dug, they threw the man in which caused him to groan very much, but his groans were not long to be heard, for they threw the earth in upon the body; and although, when at intervals one would get down to stamp the earth down upon the body, he would utter groans, yet they continued the work until it was finished. The man was buried alive and no doubt, as they had a great abundance of salmon, they felt satisfied that they had done a good work.

(To be continued)