Page:Journal of Negro History, vol. 7.djvu/16

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$20,000 Needed

Help us raise annually the sum of $20,000 to finance the work of collecting and publishing the materials bearing on Negro life and history. Our efforts have hitherto been restricted to what we have been able to induce interested individuals to undertake in their respective localities. Moving at this slow rate and in such an unsystematic way, thework will proceed so slowly that many valuable documents and the testimonies of slaves and masters will be lost to the world and the story of the Negro will perish with him.

To raise this fund we are appealing to all persons professing an interest in the propagation of the truth. We need

2004 persons to contribute annually $1,000 each
2008 persons to contribute annually $1,000500 each
20016 persons to contribute annually $1,000250 each
20020 persons to contribute annually $1,000100 each
20040 persons to contribute annually $1,00050 each
20080 persons to contribute annually $1,00025 each
200 persons to contribute annually $1,00010 each

The following persons have contributed to our support during this quarter:

John F. Slater Fund $200.00
George Foster Peabody 100.00
Virginia Baptist State Convention 75.00
R. R. Church 25.00
D. A. Lane, Sr. 25.00
H. L. Dickason 25.00
John E. Bruce 25.00
H. B. Learned 15.00
R. B. DeFrantz 10.00
L. H. Smith 5.00
William F. Tyler 5.00

All contributions should be sent to J. E. Moorland, Secretary-Treasurer of The Association for the Study of Negro Life and History, 1216 You Street, Northwest, Washington, D. C.

The Association is incorporated and the Secretary-Treasurer is bonded.