Page:Journal of Negro History, vol. 7.djvu/260

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By aiding the education of Negroes in rural communities with the assistance of State governments and of Negroes themselves Mr. Julius Rosenwald has been making an important chapter in the history of this race during the last generation. The significance of this achievement is apparent when one merely glances at these statistics:

1223 buildings (2812 teachers).
Total Cost $4,012,923
Negroes $1,139,165
Whites 277,668
Public Funds 1,840,210
Rosenwald aid 755,880

These schoolbuildings have been built in the States as follows: Alabama 234, North Carolina 175, Mississippi 145, Louisiana 136, Tennessee 114, Virginia 105, South Carolina 73, Arkansas 54, Georgia 53, Kentucky 52, Texas 50, Maryland 16 and Oklahoma 15.

By types these buildings include:

357 one-teacher
464 two-teacher
191 three-teacher
106 four-teacher
39 five-teacher
32 six-teacher
5 seven-teacher
5 eight-teacher
1 nine-teacher
2 ten-teacher
1 eleven-teacher
1 twelve-teacher
1 sixteen-teacher
18 Teachers' Homes

The fact that over $4,000,000 has been invested in these buildings is worthy of comment as is the added fact that more than one-fourth of this large total has been raised by the Negroes themselves. While the figures are of buildings which have been actually completed, it is well to note that there are in progress now, some of