Page:Journal of Negro History, vol. 7.djvu/357

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vention) be presented to the Legislature by the Hon. Chancellor Johnson.

Resolved, That a committee of two be appointed by the president of this meeting to communicate with the action of this meeting to communicate with Solicitor Wiggins, and to notify him of the action of this convention; and that said committee be instructed to assure him that this convention is not prompted by any impure motives or personal animosity for him in taking this action, but alone for the interest of the country, and for the peace, . . . .

Vote of Marion County in 1870
Reform Republican
Marion 372 511
Friendship 79 65
Mars Bluff 84 192
Berry's X Roads 196 178
Mullins 196 124
Aliens 72 33
High Hill 176 37
Old Ark 23 17
Cains 121 120
McMilans 105 36
Little Rock 277 204
Aeriel 130 57
Stones 62 73
Jeffries Creek 67 224
Old Neck 80 67
Campbells Bridge 151 56
Totals 2191 1994

"It will be seen from the above statement that the reform movement in 1870 carried the county by a majority of 207 votes. In that election the fight was between the Conservatives and the Republicans—the whites against the blacks. In fact it was a question of color, for both races voted solidly. Now it is different. The Republicans have inaugurated the Reform movement, and the fight on the 3d of November will be between the two wings of this party. The problem then is easy to solve. The Reform movement will carry Marion County by an overwhelming majority."