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captain ford's journal.

ton, from whence, about 11 o'clock, we marched for Morristown, at which place we arrived about 1 o'clock, and joined Major Leddle, Capt. Tuttle, and the other troops assembled for marching. Here my troop had the honor of turning out more men than all the rest of the county. Ready to march after taking leave of my friends and taking dinner. We marched from the parade under repeated shouts of applause from our fellow citizens, a great number of whom had assembled on the occasion. It afforded me much pleasure to observe the spirit with which the troops marched off, and as we left the Green we returned three cheers to our friends. We proceeded by Baskingridge to Dead River, where we encamped for the night. Most of our men lay in barns, and appear very happy; for my own part, I tumbled on a bed with my clothes on, to be ready for the morning's march, which I had ordered at daylight.

11th. Long before day my men were ready, and at the dawn of the morning we departed for Brunswick. I was deputed by the Major to wait on General White, and request that he would honor the squadron with his presence into the city, which he very politely agreed to do. On our march we fell in with the Bergen squadron, and marched into town together; and without vanity, we cut a very fine figure, and much the best of any that had come in. Here our troops were very much dissatisfied with their forage. Orders are given for all the troops to march to-morrow for Trenton. We now have the Essex squadron, and part of the Middlesex, so that we march near 200 men. This afternoon the whole cavalry paraded in the grand street to receive their standards, at the delivery of which the General gave a most elegant and honorable charge to the Coronets who were present, impressing on them the confidence placed in them by committing to their charge the standard of honor; to which Coronet Beach, in behalf of the whole, made a very handsome reply, pledging themselves never to disgrace or part with their standards, but with their lives. After this solemn ceremony, we were marched through the principal streets to our quarters in the barracks.

12th. Agreeable to orders, the troops were on the parade precisely at 10 o'clock. About 11 o'clock the General arrived, and marched us off through town for Princeton, which is to be our next stage. Nothing of consequence happened on the march; our troops well satisfied, and very happy. We arrived at Princeton about 5 o'clock, and were ordered for forage, &c., to Col. Morgan's barn, where the contractors had purchased hay by the lump for the whole squadron. Here the troop were pretty well satisfied.

13th. Early this morning the troops paraded to march for Trenton, to meet the Governor, who met us near Trenton, and reviewed us; after which he marched at our head into Trenton. By this time we had been joined by different companies, that made our number upwards of 300. Here we took up quarters, drew our tents, and began to live actually the lives of soldiers, and I could not but observe with what ease and facility the men began to