Page:Journal of botany, British and foreign, Volume 34 (1896).djvu/561

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INDEX. 525 Hyella cæspitosa var.. nitida,{* 385 Hymenocladia kalymenioides, 196 Hypnum micans, 367 Hypochoeris glabra, 476, 610, 511 Hypocrella ochracea,{* 150 ; oxy- spora,{* 151 Iceland Botany, 353 'Icones Plantarum,' 142, 408 Impatiens Noli-me-tangere, 89_; bi- fiora, 434 Indexing of Periodicals, 168 Indigofera Guthriei, * 22; natalen- sis, * 23; psammotropha,* 22 ; ros- trata, * 23; seticulosa var. luxu- rians, * 24; Wooclii, * 24; blepharo- pliylla var. cordata, * 37 Ipomoea Britteniana, * 38; damma- rana, * 36; Donaldsoni,* 37; Green stocliii,* 38 Ireland, Botanical subdivision of, 57; Plants of, 1, 11, 57, 87, 94, 119, 250, 277, 368, 369, 385, 399, 406, 441, 486, 496, 504 Isanochloa, 280 Isoglossa parvifolia., * 44

Jackson, A. B., Newbury Casuals, 366; Impatiens biflora, 434 Jackson, B. J)., Dates of Rees's Cyclopaedia, 307; Nomenclature, 352; Linnæus's Sp. Plant, 359 ; his 'Index,' 48, 96, 142, 143, 271, 298 Jameson's Handbook of Mosses (rev.), 513 Jepsonia, 141 Juncellus minutus,* 224 Juncus tenuis, 201, 276 Justicia coridicola,* 410; laete- virens,* 409; strebelensis,* 409

Kew : Bulletin, 46, 47, 168, 328,407, 439, 487; Guide, 407; girl gar- deners at, 96 ; publications, -4QZ; poetry of, 408 King, Thomas, 488 Kirk, T., Displacement of Species in New Zealand, 338 Kniphofia insignis,* 131 Kpanophyllon, 247 Kordelestris, 247 Korthalsella, 374 Koster's 'Travels', 242 Kuntze, 0., Notes on 'Index Kewensis, 298

Lachhnea Marlottii,* 503 Lamarck's 'Flore. Français', 431 Langloisia, 280 Lasiodiplodia, 189 Lawson, George, 48 Lawson, Marmaduke, 191, 239 Lecanora prosecha, 35 ; var. rubes- cens,* 35; stramineoalbida,* 35 Lecidea maura,* 103 ; artheniopsis, 107 ; chlarodes,* 103 ; domini- cana,* 101 ; Elhottii,* 104 ; mol- lissiseformis,* 101 ; nana,* 102 ; ochrothelia,* 106; phaeopsis,* 107; rubicundula,* 104 ; subpilosa,* 105 ; variabihs,* 102 Lepidium Draba, 319 ; Smithii, 477 Lett, H. W., Dryas octopetala, 368, 440 Leucobarleria polyacantha, 413 Levinge, H. C, 240 Ley, A., Herefordshire Eubi, 155, 217 ; Carmarthenshire Records, 367 ; Luzula pallescens, 368 Lichenes Antillarum, 31, 66, 100, 204, 258, 292 Limnanthemum peltatum, 229 Lindauea,* 411 ; speciosa,* 412 (t. 362) Linharea, 247 Linnaeus's Species Plantarum, 359 Linton's British Willows, 39 ; Brit- ish Hieracia, 190, 327 Linton, E. F., S. Hants Plants, 319, 867; Salix List in London Catalogue, 461; Hypochœris glabra, 511 Linton, W. R. Jr Merioneth Plants, 41 ; proposed Derbyshire Flora, 46 Linton, E. F. & W. K., Westmeath Plants, 119 Lister, A., Enteridium olivaceum var. liceoides,* 210 Lithoderma simulans, 385 Littledalea, 280 Lloyd, James, 328 London Pride, 422 Lotononis grandifolia,* 19; proeumbens,*18; Woodii,* 19 Lubbock's 'Seedlings,' 192 Luzula pallescens, 368 Lyngbya, 7 Lyperia breviflora,* 393 MacBride's 'Elementary Botany ' (rev,) 139 Mac Vicar, S. M., Hypnum nutans, 367 ; Bartsia Odontites, 479 Maianthemum bifolium, 437 Malayan Dracænas, 162 Maldive Plants, 3