Page:Journal of botany, British and foreign, Volume 34 (1896).djvu/575

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Prepayment for 1896, 16s. post free, may be sent to the Publishers. No. 399. MARCH, 1896. THE Vol XXXIV. JOURNAL OF BOTANY BRITISH AND FOKEIttN. EDITED BY JAMES BEIT TEN, F. L.S., Senior Assistant, Department of Botany, Bhitish Museum (Natural History), South Kensington. CONTENTS. New African Asclepiads. By K. ScHLEOHTER and A. B. Bendle Lichenes Antillarum a W. R. Elliott collecti. ExponitEDv.A.WAiNio (continued) The Mosses and Hepatics of Staf- fordshire. By Jas. E. Bagnall, A.L.S. (concluded) Botanical Nomenclature The Cape Herbarium Westmeath Plants. By E. F. and W. R. Linton . . . . . . Ferns of the Chitral Relief Expe- . dition. By C. W. Hope . . . . New African Plants. By A. B. Rendle, M.A., F.L.S Col. Henry Maurice Drummond- Hay. By J. W. H. Trail 97 100 108 114 117 119 122 127 133 Short Notes. — Note on Faronia. — Wilts Records, 1895.— S. Hants Records. — Exchange Club for Mosses and Hepaticffi. — Epi- lobinm lanceolatum in Yorkshire. ■ — Cheshire Plants. — Additions to the Flora of Lancashire.— Note on Paclujplnjlluin 'Notices of Books : — Guide to the British Mycetozoa. By Arthur Lister, F.L.S. . . Lessons in Elementary Botany for Secondary Schools. By Thomas H. Macbride The Phanerogamic Botany of the Matto Grosso Expedition. By Spkncer Le M. Moore, B. Sc, F.L.S 134 137 139 140 141 Articles in Journals Book-Notes, News, &c . . 142 LONDO^ : WEST, NEWMAN & CO., 54, HATTON GARDEN, E.G. DULAU & CO., SOHO SQUARE. Price One Shilling and FAghtpence.