Page:Journal of botany, British and foreign, Volume 34 (1896).djvu/95

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THE MOSSES AND HEMATICS OF STAFFORDSHIRE. 76 Var. rw6^mmws Braitli. Walls near Leek ; near Caldron; Ellaston. A form with serrated leaves near Leek. — D. luridus Hornsch. Near Eugeley; Chillington Piirk. • — D. fiexif alius Dicks. Sherbrook Valley; near Leek; Dove Dale; Flash; Oakamore. — D. cylindricus Bruch. Limestone rocks, Weaver Hills. Eucladium verticillatmn L. Rare, Ape's Tor, near Alstonfield, Rev. A. Ley ! Ditrichum homomallum Hedw. Local, near Alton Towers ; Gospel End Common ; Eoaches. — D. flexicaule Schwg. Alston- field, Rev. A. Ley I Dimmings Dale; May field ; Hall Dale, Dove Dale, near Dane Bridge. — Var. densum. Dove Dale. THchostomum tojJ haceiim Brid. Ape's Tor, liev. A. Ley I Ham- stead, Arley ; Dove Dale ; Ordesley Brook ; Cloud. — Var. acuti- foliuni Sclipr. Sandstone rocks by Baggeridge Wood. — T. mutabile Bruch. Dove Dale; Hall Dale. — Y&r. cophocarpa Schimp. Dove Dale. — T. crispidum Bruch. Dove Dale, near Mill Dale ; Hall Dale. — T. nitidwnijmdh. Doe 'Dale, Dr. Fraser I Hall Dale 1 Holmes, Barhida riyida Schutz. Mow Cop, R. G. Hamstead. — B. am- bigua B. & S., and B. aloides Koch. Hamstead Canal siding. — B. cuneifolia Dicks. Grosty Hill, near Halesowen. — B. maryinata B. & S. Walls, Hamstead; Rugeley ; Rocester: near Cotton; Tixall ; Seckley ; Milford. — B. muralis L. Frequent on walls, &c. — Var. astiva Brid. Canal sides near Colwich, on stones. — Var. rupestris Schultz. Alstonfield, Bev. A. Ley ! Trentham ; rocks by Baggeridge Wood. — B. unyuiculata Dill. Frequent, Hamstead, &c. — Var. cuspidata Bry. Eur. Sedgeley ; Trentham. — Var. obtusi/olia Schultz. Banks near Oakamore. — B.fallax Hedw. Near Alston- field, Rev. A. Ley ! Seckley, Kingswinford, &c. — Var. bnvifolia Wils. Ape's Tor, Rev. A. Ley Oakamore; Belamont. — B. refiexa Brid. Rare, Axe Edge End. — B. riyidida Dicks. Near Alston- field, Rev. A. Ley ! Dudley Castle ; Weaver Hills. — B. spadicea Mitt. Cotton ; Abbot's Bromley ; Dove Dale ; Flash ; Oakamore. — B. cylindrica Tayl. Wetton, Rev. A. Ley I Seckley ; Arley ; Trentham ; Hayhead. — B. vinealis Brid. Hamstead, Milford ; Arley ; Norbury. — B, Honuchuchiana Schultz. Hamstead ; Alton Towers; Shatterford. — B. revoluta Schwg. Arley; Norbury; Leek; Dove Dale. — B. convuliita Hedw. Canwell ; Barr Common ; Eoaches, &c. — B. tortiiosa L. Caldron; Weaver Hills; Dove Dale; Wetton; Mill Dale. — B. Brebissoni Brid. Tree roots by Severn, near Arley. B. subxdata L. Haughton ; Axe Edge End ; Weaver Hill, Hall Dale, &c. — B. lavipila Brid. Rare. Tree-roots, banks of Severn, Arley. — B. latifolia B. & S. Near Arley; Alrewas ; King's Brom- ley ; Tutbury, &c. — B. nivalis L. Frequent, Kingswinford ; Hall Dale, &c. — B. intermedia Brid. Frequent on limestone. Weaver Hills, Ramshorne, Hall Dale, <fec. Ceratodon purpureas L. Frequent. — Var. paludusa Bagnall. On tree-roots by the Trent, King's Bromley, abundant. — C. conicus Lindb. Rare. In fruit. Axe Edge End; rocks near Cloud. FMcalypta vulgaris Hedw. Dove Dale ; Cotton ; Ramshorne ; Norbury; Baggeridge. — Yb.y. obtusifoliaYwnok. Dove Dale ; near Baggeridge Wood. — Var. pili/era Fuuck. Mill Dale ; Dove Dale ;