Page:Journal of botany, British and foreign, Volume 9 (1871).djvu/141

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Discus tlepressus, pulvinaris. Ovarium 2-loculare; stylus 0, stig'inatibus 2 brevibus recurvis; ovula in loculis geinina, placentis septo aduatis pro- minulis inserta, horizontalia, divaricata. Fructiis . . . — Frutex? olaberri- mus, raraulis tevttibus. Folia opposita, breviter petiolatn, obovato-ob- longa, obtusa v. obtuse apiculata, coriacea, caniosula, siccitate bruiiiica, nervis teuuibus paucis. Stipulte breves, iutrapetiolares, in anniilum con- uatae. Cvrase breves, breviter peduiiculataj, axillares, dense fasciculatre, peduuculis bracteis aunularibus instruotis. Flores parvi, breviter pedi- cellati.

T. MoTLEYi, Hook. f. sp. milca. — Hab. Borneo, Motley. — Ilook. Ic. Plant, t. 1072.

Vallesia hypoglauca, Ernst (Apocynacea). — Fide Joiiru. Bot. Vol. VIII. p. 375.

Wendlandia uvakiifolia, Ranee (Cbichonacece) . — Vide Joiirn. Bot. Vol. VIII. p. 73.

��;groceet)i«gs ai Societies.

��Botanical Society of Edinburgh. — Feb. 9i/i. — Prof. Balfour in the chair. The following communications were read: — " On AnthoiUhes Pit- ciiirnirE and its Fruit {Cardiocarpon) and other Fossil Plants found near Falkirk." By C. VV. Peach, A.L.S. Last autumn Mr. Peacli had collected, near Falkirk, specimens oi Antholithes Pltcairniee with its fruit Cardiocar- pon. The latter had never before been ibund attached. Calamites nodoms was found in great abundance, but very fragmentary; neveitheless, he had been able to make a restoration of the whole plant. Two or three other species of Calamites were associated with it, but not in a good state for determination. The leaves oi Flahellaria borassifolia were abundant, and he was fortunate to find also a couple of specimens of the woody stem of the plant. Many Ferns were also met with, and a llalonia, showing leaf- scars and bud-like prominences arranged in a spiral manner on it, ditter- ing from the depressed scar markings on Ulodendron both in size and arrangement. " Eeport on the Cultivation of Cinchona at Rungbee, Darjeeling." By C. B. Clarke, M.A. " Letter from Prof. Cliristison to Prof. ]5alfour regarding the Introduction of Cinchona into India." Prof. Christison stated that so long ago as between 1S38 and 1842 he urged the Board of Directors for India to introduce the cultivation of Cinchonas, pointing out that the alkaloid could be obtained as well from th(!!)ark of young twigs as from that of older branches. This memorial was backed by Dr. Royle, but no action was ever taken on it by the Board.

March ^th. — Alexander Buchan, President, in the chair. The follow- ing comnnmications were read: — " Report on the Effects of the Cutting Down of Forests on the Climate and Health of the Mauritius." By H, Rogers, M.R.C.P. Lond., and senior Assistant-Surgeon, Civil Hospital, Port Louis, Mauritius. Connnunicated by the President. " On the Cultivation of New Zealand Flax (Fhonninm iena.v)." By Dr. James Hector, Wellington, New Zealand. Connnunicated by Mr. Sadler. " Notes on the British Batrachian Ranunculi." By Mr. James F. Robinson. After a slight sketch of the instory of the nomenclature of the plants, the author gave the results of his observations on some of the

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