Page:Journal of botany, British and foreign, Volume 9 (1871).djvu/200

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Sticla ciliaia, Tayl. Fl. Hib. 2, 152. This, according to authentic specimens iroin Taylor in Herb. Brit. Mas., is only a muscicole state of Slicta Biifourei ; and, indeed, as appears from one of the above specimens, Taylor was latterly aware of its being only a var. of S. aylcatlca.

Lecu)iora pldofi'iita, Ach. ? Nyl. L. P. 121; Placodinm c'drinellum, llcpp. Flecht, 393. On Oak-bark in lowland maritime tracts. Kare, and gathered but very sparingly near Fairlight, Hastings (Crondjie), though it may be expected to occur elsewhere in the south of England.

//. Parkiensis, Nyl. Jard. Luxemb. p. 368. On the trunks of trees in lowland tracts. Apparently local, as near Shanklin, Isle of Wight (HoU) ; though [ have seen specimens from various localities in the south of England closely approaching it, but not suihciently typical.

L. atriseda (Frs. L. Kef. 149), Nyl. Scan. 170. On schistose moun- tainous rocks. Hare, and gathered only ne ir Dolgelly, in Wales (HoU). It is closely allied to L. badia, of which Fries regarded it as merely a variety,

L. scriiposn, var. par mi tic a, Smmrf. Lapp. 100 {ecnisfacea, Nyl. Prod. 96). Parasitic on thallus of Cladonia, pyxidata. Not common in subalpine tracts, as ou old Ash-trees in Glen Lochay, Breadalbane (Crombie).

Dlrlnn re/)ri)ida, Frs. S. 0. V. 285. On rocks in maritime tracts. Earc, and local in the Channel Islands on coast of Hcrm (Larbalestier).

Lecldea pnrissima, Nyl. in litt. sp. n. On old pales in damp shady places in lowland tracts. Apparently rare and local, near Hendon, Middlesex .(Cr()nd)ie). It is closely allied to some states of L. dotif/rata ; but amongst other marks of distinction has the hymeneal gelatine yel- lowish wine-coloured, and not bluish with iodine.

L. encUtica, Nyl. Lapp. Or. 148. On old fir-pales in subalpine tracts. Perhaps not very rare, though as yet gathered only sparingly in Glen Tilt, Blair Atliole (Crombie) ; but from the small size of the apothecia, and their being so much scattered, it may have been overlooked elsewhere.

L. endopdla, Leight. in litt. sp. n. On fir-pales in subalpine ti'acts. Rare in Glen Fender, Blair Athole (Crombie, August, 1870). It is allied to the preceding, from which it is distinguished chietly by the larger and crowded apothecia, and the spores having two rathei' large nuclei.

L. melonochroza, Leiglit. in litt. sp. n. On decaying tir-pales in sub- alpine regions. Rare and local, near Loch Tummel, Perthshire (Crombie, August, 1870). The thallus is almost furfuraceous, and the apothecia internally pale violet-black, as if stained with ink.

L. alociza, Mass. Symm. 42. On calcareous rocks in subalpine tracts. Perhaps not uncommon in hilly regions, though as yet gathered only near Buxton, Derbyshire (Holl.), and, at first sight, not to be distinguished from other externally similar species.

L. Bonteillei (Desmaz.), Nyl. Lapp. Or. 152. On box-leaves in ma- ritime tracts. Apparently local in the Channel Islaiuls, as in Jersey (Larbalestier), and also in the south of England, as near Hurst in Sussex (Da vies).

L. snblatypea, Leight. in lilt. sp. n. On micaceous stones of walls in mountainous regions. Very sparingly in Glen Fender, Blair Athole (Crombie, August, 1870). Externally it very much resembles states of Z. latypca ; but the thalline reaction (K — ), as well as other minor cha- lacteristics, show it to be distinct.

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