Page:Journal of botany, British and foreign, Volume 9 (1871).djvu/227

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G. vvlgaris, Fries. At Alverstnne Lynch, in Sandown Marshes, and at Easton, Freshwater, T have found a tall form which 1 believe is the plant mentioned by Dr. Bromfield as " C. stricta,'" which latter has not come under my notice. The " variety ^. of C. acuta, gathered by Dr. Bromfield, in Alverstone Lynch, belongs also to C. vulgaris.

C. distans, L. Frequent in meadows and marshy places near the sea. Bembridge, Springvale, Wootton, Freshwater, etc.

C. fulva, var. /3. C. Hornschichtmui, Hoppe. Very rare. Sparingly on heathy ground near Lynn Farm. Plentiful at the upper end of (^ol- well Heath. These are the only two stations where I have seen it. The marshy meadows at Easton, Freshwater, produce a variety of C. distaus, with glumes less mucronate than usual. (See ' Report of Botanical Exchange Club,' 1862.)

G. pallescem, L. In Firestone Copse with C. lavigata. Ningwood (Dr. G. R. Tate).

C. pendula, Huds. Plentiful under the cliff at Foreland, Bembridge. In Steyne Wood, sparingly.

C. Pseudo-cyperus, L. Centurion's Copse, sparingly. Copse between Alverstone and Sandown (A. J. Hambrough). By the stream at Monk- ton, near Ryde.

C. palndosa, Good., var. KocJdana, De Cand. Ditches by the causeway running across Sandown Marshes, close to Sandown. This has frequently two stigmas. I have found some fruits bearing two, with others bearing three stigmas upon the same spike.

[^Eclihiochloa Crus-galli, Beauv. A single plant, on rough ground near the shore at Freshwater, 1869 (F. Stratton).]

\_Setaria virldis, Beauv. Many plants in a sandy stubble field near the path leading from Sandown Church to Pan Common, 1857.]

[_S. glauca, Beauv. One plant at Alverstone, Whippingham ! 1869 (J. Pristo).]

XGastridlum lendlgerum, Beauv. Frequent in cornfields about Bem- bridge. At Brighstone, etc. Whippingham 1 (J. Pristo). A colonist.

Agrostis vulgaris, L., var. A. pumila, liightf. Plentiful all over the warren at Alum Bay.

A. alha, L., var. A. marilima, Lara. Frequent, especially on wet, slipped banks along the coast.

\_Puh/pogon nionspeliensis, Desf. Very sparingly on salt-marsh ground above the bridge at Norton, close to Saltern Copse, 1868 (Dr. G. R. Tate). Mr. Stratton has not succeeded in finding this rare Grass in the above-named locality, and until the circumstances of its occurrence are more closely examined I prefer to exclude it as introduced by some accident.]

Calamagrosiis lanceolata. Roth. Plentiful in a small boggy thicket at Knighton, growing with Lastrrea Thchjpteris (1857).

Catabrosa aquatica, Beauv. Pond near St. Helen's. Pan fields, near Newport (F. Stratton). In a little stream north of Freshwater Farm.

Kceleria cristoia, Pers. Sparingly on St. Helen's Spit. This is ntjar to K. albescens, De Cand., but the stem is not pubescent.

Poa nemoralis, L. In a (k>ep, sandy lane between Brook Church and Compton Farm, sparingly (1862).

P. compi'essa, L. On the walls of the garden at the Chantry House, Newport (Dr. H. Trimen).

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