Page:Journal of botany, British and foreign, Volume 9 (1871).djvu/23

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edit. 6; Akfeld, Bot. Zeit. 1863. p. 297; Klatt, Linn?ea, vol. xxiv. p. 570. X Jucquhii, Schrank. Iris xiphioicles, Ehrh. Beitr. vol. vii. p. 140; De Cand. Fl. France, vol. iii. p. 238; Bot. Mag. t. 687; Rc- doute, Lil. t. 212, et inult. aliorum. /. XipJdmn, a, L. Sp. PI. edit. ii. p. 58. /. Xiphiim., Jacq. ColL vol. ii. p. 320. I. pyrenaica, Bubani, Sched. Crit. p. 3.

Bulb ovoid, 1^-2 inches thick, vpitb several dark brown membranous coats and a tuft of fibrous rootlets from the base. Stem l|-2 feet high, firm, flexuose, terete, with 1 or 2 flowers, with 3-4 falcate leaves placed laxly at each side disticliously, the lowest a foot or more long, linear, serniterete on the back, 4-6 lines broad where they leave the stem, sub- glaucous,, persistent. Valves of spathe 3 inches or more long, 6-9 lines broad, veutricose, frequently exceeding the base of the limb at the flower- ing time. Ovary and pedicel each 15-18 lines long. Tube scarcely any. Limb 2|^-3 inches long, usually deep violet-purple, sometimes paler; outer divisions keeled with yellow internally, the round lamina 15-21 lines broad and deep, exceeding the cuneate claw ; inner divisions erect, oblanceolate-spatliulate, -g- inch broad, a quarter or a third of their length shorter than the outer ones. Stigmas equalling the inner divisions, \ inch broad below the bifid crest.

Hab. Common in the meadows of the Central Pyrenees, both upon the French and Spanish flanks, Bentham ! Endress ! Gay ! Bourgeau ! ; etc. Asturias, in the damp meadows of the subalpine region, Durieu ! Flowers in July and August, which is much later than any of its allies.

4. X.ti>iffita?/vm,3i\keY; bulbo ovoideo menibranaceo-truncato, caule firmo flexuoso uni- vel bi-floro pedali vel sescpiipedali, foliis caulinis 4-6 distichis falcatis anguste linearibus dorso semiteretibus, spathse valvis lanceolatis ad basin limbi attingentibus, pedicello ovario suba^quilongo, tubo poUicari vel sesquipoUicari, limbo violaceo segmentis exterioribus 3-3i-pnllicaribus lamina rotundata ungue panduriformi duplo breviore, interioribus oblanceolatis erectis exterioribus paullulum brevioribus, stig- matibus cum cristis segmentis interioribus aquilongis et sequilatis. — Iris thigitana, Boiss. et Eeut. Pugillus, p. 113 (1852). /. Fontanesii, Go(h-. Fl. France, vol. iii. p. 245 (1855) ; Willk. et Lange, Prodr. Hisp. vol. i. p. 142? /. Xiphium, Desf Fl. Atlant. vol. i. p. 37, non L.

Bulb ovoid, 12-18 lines thick, with several dark brown membranous coats and a tuft of fibrous rootlets from the base. Stem 12-18 inches high, firm, flexuose, terete, usually single-headed, with 3-4 falcate leaves on each side, semiterete on the back, 4-6 lines broad where they leave the stem. Valves of spathe lanceolate, 3-4 inches long, 6-8 lines broad, reaching up to the base of the limb, slightly veutricose. Pedicel and ovary each 12-15 lines long. Tube of perianth 12-18 lines long, cv- lindrical. Limb 3-3|- inches deep, bright violet-blue ; the outer di- visions with a yellow keel internally ; the lamina romidish, an inch broad, twice the length of the panduriform claw ; inner divisions oblanceolate- spathulate, erect, 8-9 lines broad, about ^ inch shorter than the outer ones. Stigmas as long as the inner segments, 6-7 lines broad at the base of the crest.

Hab. Tangiers, gathered by Salzmann in 1825 (v. s. specimens in Herb. Hooker and Gay), and also by Boissier. Algiers, in sandy thickets near Oran, Balansa, 238 I Bourgeau !

To this belong all the African specimens I have seen labelled as " Iris

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