Page:Journal of botany, British and foreign, Volume 9 (1871).djvu/270

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Cryptogamia. 150 Species of Cryptogamic plants, forming fuse. 5, 6 and 7 of the second issue of the ' Erbario Crittogamico Italiano.' 60 ,, Hepatica, forming decades 42-47 of Rabenhorst's ' He-

paticse Europ«>se.' 100 ,, Mosses, from East Friesland ; collected by Eiben.

75 ,, Lichens, forming Nos. 30-32 of Rabenhorst's ' Lichenes

Europsei.' 50 ,, Lichens, being Miiller's ' Cladoniaceen.'

100 ,, Fungi, forming No. 14 of Rabenhorst's ' Fungi Europaei.'

586 ,, ,, from the Sonth of France; collected by Nylander

and Roussel. 500 ,, ,, from North and South America.

351 ,, ,, from Cuba ; collected by Charles Wright.

80 „ AlgcB, forming Nos. 213-220 of Rabenhorst's ' Algfe


Brithh Herbarium.

Fhanerogamia. 50 Species of British plants of critical value; presented by the Hon. J. L. Warren. 250 „ critical English plants; collected by W. T. Thiselton-

Dyer, Esq. 100 ,, British Salices ; collected by the Rev. J. E. Leefe.

Cryptoganda. 100 Species of British Lichens ; collected by the Rev. J. M. Crorabie. 1500 ,, British Fungi ; forming, with the species from the South

of France and North and South America, enumerated above, the Fungological Herbarium of the Rev. A. Bloxam. 100 „ British Frtwy/i ; collected by M. C. Cooke.

72 Preparations of British Alga, exhibiting their structure and fructi- fication ; prepared by Ch. Adcock. 47 Slides of British Biatoniacea, from the Herbarium of the late Pro- fessor Arnott ; presented by F. C. S. Roper, Esq.

IL — To the Structural Series.

Fruit Culleciion. 3 Fruits of Sicana odorifera, Naud. ; presented by Seiior Correa de

Mello, through D. Hanbury, Esq. 13 Species of Fruits and Seeds ; presented by W. T. Thiselton

Dyer, Esq. A collection of Palm and other Fruits, from Brazil. A fine series of Coniferous Fruits, grown in the Pinetum of Dr. Hogg,

and presented by hini. A collection of Tropical Seeds and Fruits, chiefly from Africa.

General Collection. Fine stem of EncephaJartos cycadifolius, Lehm., from Natal. Stem of Testudinaria elephantipes, Lindl., from South Africa. Spirally twisted stem of Dipsacus, and stems of Cratcpgus and Buxus ; presented by W. T. Thiselton Dyer, Esq.

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