Page:Journal of botany, British and foreign, Volume 9 (1871).djvu/287

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14. Slelliirla tieiiioriim. Unknown in the Porphyry. Scattered throngh the dales of the Slate, Carboniferous, and Oolitic tracts, just reaching (one station) into the Superagrarian zone.

15. Cei'astiiim ulpinmn. Unknown in the Porphyry, Carboniferous, and Oolite districts. In the Slate tract on three hills on precipices of the Inferarctic zone.

16. Geranium sylvafAcum. More or less abundant in all the four dis- tricts, but not seen anywhere above the Agrarian region.

17. Ficia sylvatica. Scattered in Midagrarian woods of the Carboni- ferous, Slate, and Ociitic tracts. Not known in the Porphyry.

18. Pruniis Padns. Frequent throughout all the four districts within the limits of the Agrarian region.

19. Dryns octopctalu. In Tecsdale in one good station on Limestone at 550 yards. Unknown in the Slate, Porphyry, and Oolitic tracts.

20. Pott)itilla fruticom.' In the Carbonilerous tract extending in Tees- dale 20 miles along the river in the Midagrarian and lower half of the Superagrarian zone. In the Slate district in a single ravine of the Scaw- tell group of summits. Unknown in the Oolite and Porphyry.

21. P. alpestris. Carboniferous tract in three or four different stations in Teesdale, and one in Wensleydale. In the Slate tract known in one place only. Unknown among the Oolite and Porphyry.

22. Rubm Chamamorus. In the Carboniferous and Porphyritic tracts universally distributed tiu'ough the Arctic region, and though casually descending below it, yet generally furnishing in climbing a hill the best botanical indication that a height of 600 or 650 yards is reached. Un- known of course in the Oolitic tract. In the Slate tract it does occur on a few of the eastern ridses and peaks, but although I specially looked for it, I saw it nowhere in the Skiddaw, Helvellyn, or Scawfell group of sum- mits, or indeed anywhere in the central or western thirds of the Lake Slate hills.

23. R. saxatUis. Scattered in the dale woods and amongst the lower precipices of all the four districts.

24. Alcliemilla alpina. Unknown in the Poi'phyry, Oolite, and Car- boniferous tracts. Common amongst the precipices of most of the higher liills of the Slate district, ascending to 950 yards on Great Gable, de- scending to within 100 yards of the sea-level in Wastdale.

25. Epblobium anacjullid'ijolium. Unknown in the Slate and Oolite tracts. In the Porphyry, near the top of two of the ravines (Super- agrarian or perhaps Inferarctic zone). In the Carboniferous district in one locality in the Durham part of Teesdale in the Superagrarian zone.

26. E. ahbnfolimn. Unknown in the Oolitic tract. Abundant in the Porphyritic, Carboniferous, and Slate tracts in streamlets of the Super- agrarian and Inferarctic zones.

27. Circcea alpina. Absent from the Porphyritic, Carboniferous, and Oolitic tracts. In numerous stations in the Slate tract about the Lake sides and through the Superagrarian zone.

28. Ribes pdr^.um. Unknown in the Porpiiyritic aiul Oolitic hills. Only two or three stations known in the Slate tract in the Midagrarian zone. In numerous localities in the Carboniferous dales, ascending to 500 yards on the Teesdale basaltic crags.

29. Seduui Rhodlola. In one station in the I'orphyry, in a ravine at 400 yards. In the Carboniferous tract known formerly in one station in

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