Page:Journal of botany, British and foreign, Volume 9 (1871).djvu/328

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A. G. More communicated with Professor Babington about this phint, who stated he had kept no note of the precise station, we therefore felt uncertain about it, and considered it safest to exclude the plant. I have since learned that Mr. W. Andrews, whose exertions in exploring parts of the flora of Ireland are well known, had either collected the plant himself on the Benbulbeu Range or had seen specimens collected there by the late Mr. Wynn, of Sligo. It is also recorded in Witliering's ' Botany,' on the authority of the late Professor E. Murphy, who, we believe, knew he had made a mistake in taking Draba incana for it. Amidst these uncertainties, it is now satisfactory to know that the plant has again been seen in its Irish habitat. It is also interesting in a geographical point of view, this being the only portion of Ireland where the true alpine type of plants has yet been known to occur.

At a later period of the season, end of June, we visited the locality near Mullingar, where I had the previous year discovered Pi/rola rotimdlfolia, for the lirst time in Ireland, and where we were able to collect a tolerably good supply of specimens of it in good condition.

At page 209 of Vol. VIII. of ' Journal of Botany,' I have a short notice of an alpine Willow, which I collected on the top of Muekish, a high mountain in county Donegal, wdiich could not be well identified with any of our known species. Mr. Baker, who compared the specimens with those of the British Willows in the Kew Herbarium, thought it nearest to the plant named Salix GraJiami, specimens of which were there from the Sow of Athol, Scotland. The smooth germens aiad snioolh pedicels of the Irish plant inclined me to think it nearer to a form of Sallv Arbmcida. Since the publication of the article in question, I was able to get living plants of S. Graltami, from Athol, which I had planted along with the Mui'kish plant, and now both are growing freely near to each other, show- ing, as they do, unmistakably, that they belong to the same species, only differing in some minor points, such as plants of the same species from different localities frequently assume. This opinion has also been con- firmed by the Rev. J. E. Leefe, who is a well-known authority on British Willows. Mr. Leefe has further assisted me to correct an error we com- mitted in ' Cybele Hibernica,' in considering Sallx prociimbens an Irish plant. The Benbulbeu Willow, mentioned under that species, is a dwarfed, decumbent form of one of the states of S. phyllc'ifolia.


By Ered. Stratton, F.L.S.

This plant, which has not been noted in the Isle of Wight for more than twenty years, has recently been rediscovered. Mrs. Pretyman, of Westover, kindly showed it to me, growing in tolerable abundance under Beech and Fir trees, not far from the house at Westover in August last, and a few days ago my eldest boy (aged three) found a plant growing under Beech at Carisbrooke Castle. It may be useful to note this recur- rence of a plant of the nature of Monotropa after so many years during which it has apparently been absent ; at least in the two localities above mentioned, in neither of wdiich is it likely that it would have escaped observation. From Westover I was enabled to procure several large

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