Page:Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal Vol 1.djvu/457

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On the Ancient Roman Coins.

f DN HONORI.. .D.N. Honorius Aug. Fig. 49. A. d. 394. ....ROMAN... Gloria Romanorum. Two figures armed, supporting a globe. Weight 20 grs. the vovfitov. This device, no doubt, represents the two brothers, but the type is not found in either of our authorities. A coin of dueefiguree, is mentioned in Patiu's catalogue of rare Inferior coins. Fig. 48. — A small coin referrible to the same period, but unintelli- gible. On the reverse four legs united, or a cross? From their weight these must be the uovfiia, or smal- lest copper coins, whence the denominations of those which follow were derived, as explained in the introductory remarks. Fig. 50. "> INVSPFAVG Probably D. N. Justinus Pius a. d. 522. 5 Felix Augustus. + Reverse. *JM[* with a globe under the centre of the M. Copper c ON follis, of very inferior fabrication. Weight 170 grains. Fig. 51. 7....PF AVG. Front face apparently of Mauricius, a. d. 585. 3 with jewelled head-dress : holding in his left hand a globe and cross. n N JJ'J H The year is not very distinct; c under the M does Reverse. K „ . ,- , „ q C n not occur in Med. 576, or Band. 666. The follis. Weight 240 grains. Fig. 52. "> Head apparently of Christ, almost obliterated; inscrip- } A. d. 970. 5 tion on the reverse, very rude and only partly legi- ble ... XRISTuS .. . BAsIL .. This is a coin of Joannes Zimisces (Band. 738), the full inscription being It;SuS XRISTuS bASILei/S bASILEwv. Weight 140 grains. Fig. 53. ^ Three-quarter front figure of Christ, with a glory A. d. 970. y round the head : much worn. Reverse. An ornamental cross, with four globes in the quarters ic xc ni ka signifying i V(rw xptara viKay which may be the origin of the Latin motto, In hoc signo vinces. Weight 170 grs. 2f