Page:Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal Vol 63, Part 2.djvu/7

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L. de Nicéville—Butterflies from the Indo-Malayan region.

Hindwing with a broad discal band, widest on the costa, gradually and evenly tapering to the abdominal margin; the submarginal band com- posed of prominent narrow portions; an indistinct pale line between the discal and submarginal bands; a similar marginal line. UNDERSIDE, both wings reddish-brown, all the markings broader than on the upper- side. Forgiving with three marginal lines, the inner one very narrow, the middle one the broadest; on the margin are two white spots divided by the lower discoidal nervule, and two others divided by the first median nervule. Hindu/mg with a short basal streak on the costa, behind which is a longer curved one running into the discal band ; between the discal and submarginal bands is a narrow straight line; tw0 lines on the margin, the outer one the broader.

Perhaps nearest to N. clim'a, l‘Ioore,* from Bengal (Moore) and Siam (Bruce), known to me by the figure and description only, from which it appears to differ in having the discoidal streak and spot beyond in the forewing joined instead of Separated, the discal spots larger, the discal band on the hindwing narrower, tapering, instead of being of equal width throughout; the submarginal band creamy-White like the other markings instead of being "" brownish-White.” From the figure of N. mmdina, Moore, it differs in the discoidal streak and spot beyond of the forewing being continuous; the discal series of spots seven in num< ber instead of six, they are also larger and conjoined instead of being well separated; the markings of the hindwing on both surfaces Very similar.

Described from two examples in my collection, taken in June ; there are numerous examples in Dr. Martin’s collection.

6. NEPTIS NISEA, n. Sp., Plate 1, Fig. 9, 6‘.


Exmnsn: 6‘, 1'3 inches.

DESCRIPTION: MALE. UPPEBSIDE, both wings deep black with pure white markings. Forewing with a narrow streak in the discoidal cell well separated from the triangular spot beyond ; the discal series con- sists of six spots, placed in pairs, each pair conjoined, divided only by the crossing vein; a submarginal series of small linear spots more or less obsolete about the third median nervule. Hindu;ng with the discal band narrow on the abdominal margin gradually and regularly increas- ing in Width to the costa; the submarginal band consists of six very narrow well separated spots; there is also an extremely faint line between the distal and submarginal bands, and a similar marginal line. UNDERSIDE, both wings chocolate-brown with pure white markings. Forewing with the inner margin broadly fuscous ; the discoidal streak

  • 9 Proc. Z001. Soc. Lond., 1872, p. 563, p1. xxxii, fig. 5, male.