Page:Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal Vol 7, Part 1.djvu/32

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History of Cooch Behdr.

where Lakhya river separates from the Brohmoputro, and there it is bounded by the country called Bunggo. Kamrup according to this de- scription includes a portion of Moymunsing (north part of Dacca R.) and of Srihotto ( Silhet B.J together with Monipur, Jaintiya, Kachar* and Assam.

The earliest tradition concerning the history of Kamrup is that it was given by Krishno to Norak, the son of the earth, (Prithivi.J This Norok, although an infidel (osur) was for some time a favorite of the god, who appointed him guardian (divarpal) of the temple of Kamakhya (granter of pleasure) who naturally presided over the region of desire, (Kamrup). This deity is by the Hindus considered as female, and her temple situated near Gohati, the place where Norok resided, is still much frequented.

Kamrup is said to have been then divided into four peths or portions* which may naturally be expected to have appellations suitable to its name and tutelary deity. They are accordingly called Kam, Rotno> Moni and Yoni peths) alluding to desire, beauty and some circumstances not un. connected with these qualities, which our customs do not admit to be mentioned with the plainness that is allowed in the sacred languages of the east. In fact the country by the natives is considered as the prin- cipal seat of amorous delight, and a great indulgence is considered as allowable. I have not learned the boundaries of these divisions, but am told that Rotno Peih is the country now called Vihar.

Norok did not long merit the favor of Krishno, being a great op- pressor and a worshipper of the rival god Sib. He was put to death, and was succeeded by his son Bhoggodatto. At the time of the wars which are said to have placed Yudhishther on the throne of India, the prince engaged in the great contest on the losing side, and followed the fortunes of Duryodhon. There can be little doubt that this is the same person with the Bhugrut of Mr. Gladwin's translation of the Ayeen Akbery, " who came to the assistance of Jirjoodhun, and galantantly fell in the war of the Mahabharut? By Abul Fazil this prince is said to have been of the Khyetri ( KhyotrioJ caste, and this is sup- ported by the opinion of the brahmans ; but here a considerable diffi- culty occurs ; for it is generally allowed, that Bhoggodatto was the son of Norok, who was not a Hindu. We shall, however, soon see that in Kamrup many other personages have been adopted into the princely race, whose claims to a Hindu descent are at best exceedingly doubtful.

Bhoggodatto is said to have usually resided at Goivahati. The king of Kamrup is said occasionally to have fled from the bustle and cares of his capital, and to have sought the pleasures of retirement