Page:Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal Vol 7, Part 1.djvu/625

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Grammar of the Braliuiky Language.

zaif pare da ^alou machy mas tawar mas wakilna padsha pare wakil bas zaif pare sabr karak kav huriwata dere. Zaif peshan mas wakile Mana salam this bafcAairat yar jani wakil pare khav kan urati pare ba/irMawar padsha basune urati tusane pare ant sala,e, zaif pare khktav jama kar na karame kev dadoe halltak tena pun- dutine karah e dagina kerghan char padah marak paron dagina gosalai zaif darwaze tafe kulf kare hina banai &7iacha tena nv'igh to padsha malas mas tawar kare chokr kane dir yeti kazi batir jald kare khalk khalas chokariyan kazi mone hadsa pare kazi saheb us pare, ho,o pare bashmarak kazi bashmas bas khakha- rai tus pare padsha saheb aut khabar epare khabar handade khanisa nachaj ghalogha kne amaro, zaife banan shef mas avaghe tena hes urate pehar padsha_,e salam thisu dana afale o kazina ne afale^e wazir na ne afale,e wakilnane afal e padsha pare wazir arade wakil arade, zaif pare, bashmar.-ik nishan tevne padsha bash- mas zaif pare givalana bae malabo wazire kashar padsha pare wazir haifene wazir pare na afal juwan,e kana gand,e zaif pare khai' wokan peshan, kul peshan masu hinar dagi- na rahae padsha pare wakil arade zaif pare saheb dade do punduti eta padsha pare kana luma,os idus kane salame kul tena id karera ta harkas tena uragh^ae hinar. Da basu tena. urati khhchkv hukmatkhudanachand xvakht ginarenga Mulla Mansure ma- ras mas marta haft sal mas darer tulli ferta fr/iwananga,e kazi his aside mas zaif mare tena pare akh undene salam kes mar hina ede pare akhun

me quickly. The woman said, wait, I will go into the house, and come again : she went and brought out a basket, she says to the Wazir, get into this, the Wazeer gets in, she closes the mouth and drags him into the house. The king says, what is that, she says, it is some grain: a noise took place of the Wakil's approach. The king said the Wakil is come, the woman said stop, I will go out and see who it is : the woman went out and saw the Wakil and made him a salam, are you quite well my love ? The Wakil said let us go into the house ; she said, you wretch, the king is there seated in the house: he said, what is our plan; the woman said let your mind be at rest, I will do your business, make yourself a tail with this spoon and go on all fours, in the cowhouse, they will take you for a calf. The woman shut the door and locked it, she went upon the terrace and lied down with her hus- band. The king became thirsty and called out, here girl give me some water, the Kazi grinds faster than ever. " Here, you girl, I'll throw a stone at you." The Kazee turned round his head. The king said, are you the Kazi. He said, yes : he said, sit up. The Kazi gets up and comes and sits near the fire, and then asks, pray sire, what is the news: he said this is the news that you see, let me see what grain you were grinding : the woman comes down from the terrace with her hus- band, they both saluted the king, and said, this is your plight, your majesty, this is the Kazi's plight, this is the Wakil's, this is the Wa- zir's. The king said, where is the Wazir, and where is the Wakil : the woman said be seated, I will shew you : the king sits down, the woman said, open the mouth of the basket : they took out the Wazir. The king said, Wazir, how are you; the'Wazir said your majesty's con- dition is pleasant, mine is unplea- sant, the woman said, let us go out- side, they all went out to the cow- house ; the king said where is the Wakil, the woman said here he is Sir, with a spoon for his tail. The king said I respect you as my mother