Page:Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal Vol 7, Part 2.djvu/471

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Phi BisJithi.fic.i Annals.

Heat thou heard; A’, that the WJimw do not mabit to ha,. thai, .1*, sad damsels of respectable femUirs forcibly taken (by their raiera) Lied I I hay. heard, &c. A’WANDO I aa long as the We’4jaiz shall not submit to hav, their wives sod damsels of respectable families forcibly taken (by their rulers), th. design. if the Wafi.Ji. must prosper, and cannot miscarry. A’eAino I best thou heard that the Waffles., whatever the .umba, may be if the W.Jjiaa ekêtipesd’ belonging to the Wugjiaa (ruler.), whether situated within or without (the city), they maintain, respect, reverence and make ofering, to the., and that they keep up wlthout.dimlnution the ancient oferiags, the ancient ysacas, wad the ancient sacrifices righteously made? Lord! I have heard, &c. cc long as the Wdjias., &c. A’was,DO host thou beard that to the AreIiaait4 of the WUJpW, pitcetlea security, and safety are most righteously provided, in order that the Arckuzsf wha have absented themselves from their country might return; and in order that the.. who have returaed to their country, may conveniently dwell there. Lord I 1 have heard, do. A’NANDO as loagas. the Wqjws., do. Thereupon BRAOAWA’ thus addreesed the brahinne WA55AKAR0. the prima anais. let of MdpIda ilrahmaa, at the time when I was dwelling at the draadq4. Ck4lipo, in wdsdli, I propounded thee, seven Imperishable precepta unto the Wrjjsesa rea• dent there. Erahmaa, as long as these seven imperishable precepts ahall be maintained, and the Waifi... shall be observant 01 these seven inaperisimaisie precepts, lb. project, of the must prosper, and cannot miacarry. Oabeingthus addressed, WA5aAKARO,the brahmaa purse mirester, replied: Lord 6’r*m6, lithe projects of the Wqjias. must prosper, and cannot miscarry by i db,ereaaee of any one of thcie imperishable precept., who can defiae the momma of their mccc.., when they are oba.r,aat of .11 the seven lmperisl,ahJe precepts. Lord G6TAII6, ce.seque.tly it only remain. (or the Mdgadka hionareim, Aje’Taas.r. vu, the descendant of the WidEIids U.., either to propitiat, by tributas, or ta dissolve ho compact which unites (these WrI rulers), without engaging ha w. Lord Gdvmc6, as we have importaat and indispeasibhe duties we therefore depart. Brahoma, conault thy owe convenience in. that respect. Thereupon W*asix&to, the brmihmpn prime minister of MEpedk., grestI do. lighted at the discourse of BusoAwi’, amid reesiviag hi. blessing, rimug from blo lest, departedf. Biidpaii (chief minister), he again to the UparEjd (sub-king); the Uperéjd to the rfija. The rtija, Inquhiug tat. the matter, If he be inoeent, releases hIm, but if he be guilty, he ceases the PawéadpaUksk4. (boek of precedents or sasges) to he propounded. There It Is written, to him by whom such a crime Is committed, such a punishment Is awarded. The rdja having measured the culprit’s ofence by that standard, pronounces a suitable sentence. e The Affhekethd expiates that ckdtiviai are not Bnddhistical shrines but Y.fikhafflidmidsd (edifices belonging to the Tattle or demon worship); and yet the religion of Bounno had been established in Wad’i at this period. t The AkokaIM gives the following particulars of the proceedings adopted by AzA’TASArrU, on the return of WAS5AKA’ao to Rajdpebsa, which ii omitted Ia the SuJido. WA5SAKA’RO returned to the rija ; nndthc monarch Inqulred—Acklripo.whatsays BRAGAWA ? He, repenting the declaration of the ascetic GoTAscO, said: By a. other means will the Wa.tiiaa, be overcome but by propitiating with tribute, or dissolving the subsisting anion. The the replied: by propitinting with tributes oar elephants amid hones will be diminished we must get the better of them by breskiag