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house of representatives.

On motion of Mr. Wiggins, of Twiggs,

Resolved, That the clerk inform the Senate that the House of Representatives is organized and ready to proceed to business, having made choice of John W.Anderson, a member elect from the county of Chatham, as their Speaker, and Burrell K. Harrison, of the county of Stewart, as their Clerk.

The following message was received from the Senate, by Mr. Glenn, their Secretary:

Mr. Speaker—I am directed by the Senate to inform the House of Representatives that they are organized, having made choice of the Hon. William B. Wofford, Senator elect from the forty-third Senatorial District, as their President, and Luther J. Glenn, Esquire, of the county of Henry, as their Secretary, and are now ready to proceed to business.

Mr. Ramsay, of Harris, laid upon the table the following resolution, which was read:

Resolved, That editors of newspapers and reporters of the proceedings of the House of Representatives, be admitted within the bar of the House, and the messenger be directed to provide them with seats.

Mr. Kenan, of Baldwin, moved to amend the same, by striking out all that part of the resolution after the words "be admitted," and insert in its stead, "to seats within the committee rooms of this House," which was rejected.

The Resolution as offered by Mr. Ramsay, was taken up and agreed to.

The following message was received from the Senate, by Mr. Glenn, their Secretary:

Mr. Speaker—I am directed by the Senate to inform the House of Representatives that the Senate have passed the following resolution:

That a committee be appointed on the part of the Senate, to join such committee as may be appointed by the House of Representatives, to wait upon his excellency the Governor, and inform him that the General Assembly is now organized, and ready to receive any communication that he may think proper to lay before them or either branch thereof, and that the following committee have been appointed under the above resolution:

Messrs. Cockran, Clayton and Chisolm.
Mr. McDougald, of Muscogee, introduced a bill to be entitled an act to provide for the election of Judges of the Superior Courts by the sovereign people of the State of Georgia, and for other purposes therein named.