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journal of the

from Springfield to the point where it intersects the main post road leading to St Mary's, in the county of Camden.

A bill to incorporate the Augusta Machine Works.

A bill to exempt from road duty persons employed in keeping in repair the several railroads in this State.

A bill to authorize certain deeds to be read in evidence, and to make legal the registry of the same.

A bill to incorporate the trustees of the Permanent Fund, for the support of a reader or minister to the Hebrew congregation at Savannah.

A bill to incorporate the Madison Female College, to be located in the town of Madison, Georgia.

A bill to authorize railroad companies to subscribe for, purchase and hold stock in other railroad companies.

A bill to regulate the mode of sueing the bonds of executors, administrators and guardians.

A bill to regulate the admission of evidence in certain cases, and to declare the effect ef certain levies.

A bill for the relief of certain citizens of this State from any and all disabilities, pains and oenalties to which they may now be subjected by law.

On motion, Mr. Terrell had leave of absence for a few days, on business.

The House adjourned until 10 o'clock to-morrow morning.

FRIDAY, November 23, 1849.

Mr. Pringle, of Houston, presented a memorial of Howell Cobb, of Houston co. upon the subject of the publication of the criminal statutes of this State; which was referred to a joint select committee consisting of Messrs. Pringle, Calder and Robinson of Macon, on the part of the House.

Mr. Mintz, of Jackson, introduced a bill for the relief of John M. Wilhite, of the county of Jackson; which was read the first time and referred to a select, committee of Messrs. Mintz, Harris, Morris, Griffin and Richardson.

Also, introduced a bill to change the name of Hackley Butley to that of General Butler; which was read the first time.

Mr. Dorminy, of Irwin, introduced a bill to alter and change the name of John Steela Stone to that of John Steela Fountain, and to legitimatize the same; which was read the first time.

Mr. Neal, of Lincoln, introduced a bill to suspend the present military laws of this State, and to provide for and encourage the raising ofjjvolunlear companies in each county and for other purposes therein named; which was read the the first time, and referred to the Military Committee.