Page:Journal of the House of Representatives of the State of Georgia 1849.djvu/110

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house of representatives.

ascertaining the same, reported unfavorably to the passage of the bill, which was read.

Mr. Nesbit, from the same Committee, laid on the table a resolution requesting his Excellency the Governor and Chief Engineer of the Western and Atlantic Railroad to furnish to this House all information in their possession touching the terms, conditions and stipulations of the contract of John D. Gray & Co. for the completion of said road, &c.; which was read.

Mr. Brown, of Burke, introduced a bill to impose certain duties on the Treasurer and Trustees of the poor school fund of the county of Burke.

Also, a bill to levy a tax upon free persons of color, to point out the mode of collecting the same, and for other purposes therein named; which were severally read the first time, and the latter referred to the Committee on the subject of removing free persons of color from this Slate.

Mr. Gresham, of Burke, introduced a bill to amend the charter of the Augusta and Waynesboro' Railroad; which was read the first time.

Mr. Villalonga, of Camden, introduced a bill to alter and amend so much ofan act approved Dec. 12, 1804, entitled an act to raise a tax for the support of Government for the year 1805, as relates to pine lands adjoining to tide swamps or contiguous thereto, or within three miles of water carriage; which was read the first time.

Mr. Shackleford, of Cass, introduced a memorial for Cooper & Wiley, praying the Legislature to make them an advance to build a branch road to their iron works, which was referred without being read to a special committee consisting of Messrs. Shackleford, Howard and Worrell.

Also, introduced a bill to amend an act for the election of a public printer, and to regulate the printing required to be done by the Legislature; which was read the first time.

Mr. Wofford, of Cass, introduced a bill to alter and amend the first clause of the seventh section of the first article of the Constitution; which was read the first time.

Mr. Harris of Clark, introduced a bill to amend the second and fourth sections ofan act to provide for the education of the poor, assented to 27th December, 1843; which was read the first time.

Mr. Hammell, of Dooly, introduced a bill to authorize Samuel C. Lippit to establish a terry across Flint river; which was read the first time.

Mr. Fortner, of Emanuel, presented a petition to prohibit the fish trap system across the Ohoopee river, in Emanuel county; which was referred without being read lo the Committee on Petitions.

Mr. Griffin, of Hall, introduced a bill to authorize grants to issue in certain cases.