Page:Journal of the House of Representatives of the State of Georgia 1849.djvu/113

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journal of the

SATURDAY, Nov. 24, 1849.

On motion of Mr. Nisbet, the rule of the House was suspended, and the resolution uttered on yesterday from the Committee on Agriculture and Internal Improvements was taken up, amended and agreed to, as follows, to wit:

Resolved, That his Excellency the Governor and the Chief Engineer of the Western and Atlantic Railroad be requested to furnish to this House all information in iheir possession, touching the terms, conditions and stipulations of the contract of John D. Gray and Company for the completion of said road under the act of 1847.

Also, all information in their possession in regard to extra work done upon the Tunnel by John D. Gray and Company, together with an accurate measurement of the length of said Tunnel showing how much, if any, it exceeds in length the estimates of C.F. Garnett, the late Chief Engineer of the Western and Atlantic Railroad; also, all information they may have bearing upon the memorial of John D. Gray and Coinpany; also, all information as to any variation made between the contract on the entire road and the execution; and what difference, if any, such variation from the contract and execution made in the cost of execution—a copy of which memorial shall be furnished them with this resolution.

The Clerk was directed forthwith to carry a copy to the Governor and one to the Chief Engineer of the Western and Atlantic Railroad.

The following message was this day received from the Senate by Mr. Glenn, their Secretary, to wit:

Mr. Speaker—The Senate has passed the following bills, to wit:

A bill to lay off a new judicial circuit in this State, and to fix the time of holding the Superior Courts in the several counties thereof, and to add other counties to the Western District.

A bill to alter and amend the twelfth section of the second article of the Constitution of the State of Georgia.

A bill amendatory of and to the various acts heretofore passed in relerence'to the city of Savannah.

A bill to amend the charter and change the corporate name of the Memphis Branch Railroad and Steamboat Coinpany of Georgia.

A bill to extend the provisions of an act passed on the 31st December, 1838, entitled an act to admit deeds, mortgages and bills of sale to be proven and recorded, and to admit them or their copies in evidence in the Courts of law or equity in this State, and to authorize the proof, recording and reading in evidence of certain other instruments.