Page:Journal of the House of Representatives of the State of Georgia 1849.djvu/124

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House of Representatives.

tees of the Permanent Fund of the Hebrew Congregation at Savannah.

Also, a bill to incorporate the Madison Female College to be located in the town of Madison, Georgia.

Also, a bill to authorize railroad Companies to subscribe for and purchase stock in other railroad companies.

Also, a bill to regulate the mode of suing the bonds of executors, administrators and guardians.

Also, a bill to regulate the admission of evidence in certain cases, and to declare the effect of certain levies.

Also, a bill for the relief of certain citizens of this State from any and all the disabilities, pains and penalties to which they may now be subjected by law-

Also, a bill to designate and appropriate certain hands to do road duty on the north prong of the Floyd road, leading from Springfield to the point where it intersects the main post road leading to St. Marys in the county of Camden.

Also, a bill to be entitled an act to amend an act passed at the last session of the General Assembly, entitled an act for the relief of John H. Mann, executor of James G. Stallings, deceased.

Also, a bill to authorize aliens to receive, purchase, hold and couvey, mortgage and devise real estate.

Also, a bill to incorporate the village of Springfield in Effingham county, and to appoint commissioners for the same.

Also, a bill to lay off a new judicial circuit in this State, composed of the counties of Cobb, Cherokee, Forsyth, Lumpkin, Gilmer, Union, Habersham and Rabun, and to fix the time of holding the Courts in the same.

Also, a bill to be entitled an act amendatory of and in addition to the various acts heretofore passed in reference to the city of Savannah.

Also, a bill for the relief of Robert Stephens, Benjamin Stephens, Jacob Summons, Barney West and Benjamin Highfield, securities for the appearance of Benjamin Stephens before the Superior Court of the county of Dade.

Also, a bill to be entitled an act to incorporate the Waynesville Baptist Church.

Also, a bill to amend the several acts in relation to issuing grants on head lights in this State, so far as to extend the time for granting the same until the twenty-fifth of December eighteen hundred and fifty-one.

Also, a bill to legalize and make valid the appointment of Commissioners of the Camden county Academy.

Also, a bill to alter and amend the twelfth section of the second article of the Constitution of the Stale of Georgia.

Also, a bill to be entitled an act to extend the provisions of an act passed on the 31st day of December, 1838, entitled an act to admit certain deeds to be proven and recorded.