Page:Journal of the House of Representatives of the State of Georgia 1849.djvu/44

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house of representatives.

act incorporating the Atlanta and Lagrange Rail Road Company, which was read the first time.

Mr. Wolf, of Early, introduced a bill to compensate petit jurors of Early county, and to provide for a fund for the same, which was read the first time.

Mr. Robinson, of Fayette, introduced a bill to legitimatize and change the name of Jackson Futch, to that of Jackson Peters, which was read the first time.

Mr. Wofford, of Cass, introduced a bill to be entitled an act to authorize John S. Rowland to establish a ferry, &c, which was read the first time.

Mr. Morris, of Franklin, introduced a bill to be entitled an act to amend the several acts in relation to issuing of grants and head rights in this State, so far as to extend the time for granting the same until the 25th day of December, 1851.

Also a bill to be entitled an act to alter and amend the second section of an act entitled an act to carry into effect the alterations and amendments of the third and seventh sections of the third article of the Constitution of this State, passed on the 23d December, 1843, so far as relates to the 36th and 37th Senatorial districts, which were severally read the first time.

Mr. Phillips, of Habersham, introduced a bill to be entitled an act to establish additional election precincts in the county of Habersham, which was read the first time.

Mr. Riley, of Lumpkin, introduced a bill to be entitled an act to exempt all free white inhabitants of this State, from the payment of a capitation or poll tax.

Also, a bill to be entitled an act to provide for the safe custody of persons convicted of any capital offence, after being respited by the Governor, which were severally read the first time.

Mr. Robinson, of Macon, introduced a bill to be entitled an act to amend an act to incorporate the Grand Lodge of the Independent order of Odd Fellows of the State of Georgia, assented to on the 28th December, 1843.

Also a bill to be entitled an act to incorporate the town of Oglethorpe, in the county of Macon, which were severally read the first time.

Mr. McDougald, of Muscogee, introduced a bill to be entitled an act to prohibit encroachments upon the sovereign rights of the State of Georgia, by foreign banking institutions and their agents, within the limits of this State, and for other purposes therein specified, which was read the first time.

Mr. Neely, of Pike, introduced a bill to incorporate the Griffin and West Point Plank Rail Road Company, for the purpose of constructing a Plank Road from Griffin to the town of West Point, in Troup county, and to punish those