Page:Journal of the House of Representatives of the State of Georgia 1849.djvu/62

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house of representatives.

Mr. Speaker—The Senate has passed the following bilk, to wit:

A bill to quiet and confirm the title of Peter Poullet, a naturalized citizen, to a lot of land in the city of Augusta, conveyed to him before his naturalization.

A bill to reduce the official Sheriff bond in the county of Dade.

A bill to incorporate St. Thomas Lodge, number forty- nine, of Free and Accepted Masons, of Thomas county.

A bill to regulate the mode of election ol constables in the city of Savannah, and to repeal so much of an act assented to 23d December, 1831, as relates to the election of constables in said city.

A bill to authorize Clerks of the Courts of Ordinary in the several counties of thit State to grant marriage license directed to Jewish ministers, or other persons authorized to perform the marriage ceremony between Jews, and to authorize Jews to be married according to their own forms.

A bill to amend "an act entitled an act to appoint commissioners, to lay out and open a new road through a part of Camden county, and to designate the hands who shall be liable to work thereon. Also to establish a ferry across the great Satilla River, and fix the rates of ferriage at the same, assented to December the twenty-third, one thousand eight hundred and thirty-nine, and the acts amendatory thereof, assented to December seventh, one thousand eight hundred and forty-one, and December twenty-seventh, one thousand eight hundred and forty-five, and to surrender to James Mongin Smith, the land occupied by a part of said road, and for other purposes.

A bill to incorporate the Washington Fire Company, of the city of Savannah, Geo.

A bill to change the name of Elizabeth Kelly to that of Amanda Elizabeth Cooper.

A bill to authorize the Justices of the Peace elected for the first, second, third and fourth districts G.M. composing the city of Savannah, to reside and hold their respective offices and courts at any place within the corporate limits of said city.

A bill to amend the several acts relating to Justices Courts, so far as regards the county of Chatham.

A bill to reduce the official bond of the Sheriffs of Cherokee and Murray counties.

A bill to amend the ninth section of the third article of the Constitution of the State of Georgia, passed at the last session of the General Assembly.

The Senate has also adopted a joint resolution for the appointment of an additional Standing Committee on the part of both Houses of the General Assembly, to he denominated