Page:Journal of the House of Representatives of the State of Georgia 1849.djvu/72

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house of representatives.

They then proceeded to the election of a Solicitor General for the Southern Circuit, to supply the vacancy occasioned by the resignation of Augustin H. Hansell, and upon receiving and counting out the ballots, it appeared that Thaddeus G. Sturges was duly elected.

The Senate then withdrew.

The following message was then received from the Senate by Mr. Glenn, their Secretary:

Mr. Speaker—The Senate has adopted a joint resolution authorizing the Governor to set apart as a day of Thanksgiving, Thursday the 29th November instant, and to which they ask the concurrence of the House of Representatives.

Upon motion the House took up the resolution of the Senate to wit:

Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Georgia in General Assembly met, That his Excellency the Governor be, and he is hereby requested to issue his proclamation to the people of this State, setting apart Thursday the 29th day of November as a day of Thanksgiving to Almighty God for the mercies and blessings of the past year.

The resolution was taken up and concurred in.

Leave of absence was granted to Messrs. Thomas"son, Peacock and Griffin for a few days on special business. The House adjourned until 10 o'clock, Monday morning.

MONDAY, Nov. 19, 1849.

Mr. McWhorter moved to resume the call of the counties, commencing where they left off; which was agreed to.

Whereupon the Speaker resumed the call, and Mr. Brandon of Gwinnett introduced a bill to be entitled an act for the relief of John C. Whitworth, Administrator upon the estate of Elijah Hill, deceased.

Also, a bill to be entitled an act for the relief of poor children in the county of Gwinnett.

Also, a bill to authorize Mark Wates and Company to establish a ferry across the Chattahoochee river on their own land, in the counties of Gwinnett and Forsyth.

Which were severally read the first time.

Mr. Ramsey of Harris introduced a bill to repeal so much of the act entitled an act to grant certain privileges and immunities to the Hancock Guards, a Volunteer Company in the county of Hancock, and to the Harris County Cavalry, a Volunteer Company in the county of Harris, as relates to the Harris County Cavalry; which was read the first time.

Mr. Tompkins of Heard introduced a bill to be entitled