Page:Journal of the House of Representatives of the State of Georgia 1849.djvu/79

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journal of the

to prepare evidence and prosecute the claim, the committee propose the adoption of the following resolution:

Resolved by the Senave and House of Representatives of the State of Georgia in General Assembly met, That his Excellency the Governor be, and he is hereby requested to take such steps as he may deem advisable to obtain a settlement of the claims of the State upon the General Government, and if an agent be necessary that he appoint one for such purpose.

On motion of Mr. Jones, the Clerk was directed to carry the same forthwith to the Senate.

Leave of absence was granted to Mr. Faver of Merriwether, for a few days, on important business.

The House then adjourned until three o'clock, P.M.

Three O'clock, P, M.

The House met pursuant to adjournment.

The following bills were severaliy taken up and read the second time:

A bill to amend an act incorporating the Atlanta and LaGrange Rail Road Company; which was made the special order for Monday the 26th instant.

Also, a bill to compensate the Grand and Petit Jurors of Early county, and to provide for a fund for the same.

Also, a bill to legitimatize and change the name of Jackson Futch to that of Jackson Peters.

Also, a bill to authorize John S. Rowland to establish a ferry or build a bridge across the Etowah River, on his own land, in Cass county, and to take toll.

Also, a bill to be entitled an act to amend the several acts in relation to the issuing of grants and head rights in this State, so far as to extend the time for granting the same until the 25th of December, 1851.

Also, a bill to alter and amend the second section of "an act entitled an act to carry into effect the alterations and amendments of the third and seventh sections of the third article of the Constitution of this State, passed on the 23d of December, 1843, so far as relates to the 36th and 37th Senatorial Districts.

Also, a bill to establish additional election precincts in the county of Habersham.

Also, a bill to exempt all free white inhabitants of this State from the payment of a capitation or poll tax.

On motion of Mr. Walker, of Richmond, the following bill of the Senate was read the Second time and committed for a third reading, to wit: