Page:Journal of the House of Representatives of the State of Georgia 1849.djvu/89

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journal of the

in each judicial district or circuit for Judge of said district or circuit and qualified as hereinafter provided for, to be duly elected Judge of said district or circuit, and requiring said person so elected to appear at the seat of government and take the oath of office within twenty days thereafter; and on failure of any person so elected to appear and qualify within twenty days thereafter, then and in that event said office shall be declared vacaut, and the Governor shall immediately order an election to fill the same, which said election shall be had and held not exceeding twenty days from the date of said order.

Mr. Jones moved to amend the same by inserting after the words "seat of government" the following: "or before two or more Judges of the Inferior Court of the county in which he resides, who may be authorized to qualify him; which motion prevailed.

Mr. Wiggins moved to strike out the word "majority," and insert in lieu thereof "plurality," which motion prevailed. Mr. Wiggins moved to amend the section further by inserting after the words "twenty days thereafter" the following, "unless prevented by providential cause;" which motion prevailed.

The sixth section was then read which is as follows, to wit:

And be it further enacted, &c., That no person shall be eligible to the office of Judge of the Superior Court in this State who shall not have been a citizen of the State for ten years immediately preceding his election and a resident inhabitant of the judicial district or circuit in which he may be chosen for at least three years before his election.

Mr. Jones moved to amend the same by adding, "and who shall not have attained the age of years," which motion prevailed.

He then moved to fill the blank with "35," which was rejected.

Mr. Wiggins then moved to fill the blank with "thirty," which motion prevailed

The substitute as amended was then received in lieu of the original bill.

Mr. Gartrell offered the following substitute in lieu of the substitute offered by Mr. Strickland:

Whereas the Constitution or laws of this State make no provision for the election of Judges of the Superior Courts:

Be it resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of this State in General Assembly convened, That at the next general election for Governor and Members of the Legislature, the people of this State be requested to express their wishes as to the manner in which said Judges shall thereafter be elected, by endorsing on their tickets, "By the Legislature," or "By the People."