Page:Journal of the House of Representatives of the State of Georgia 1849.djvu/93

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journal of the

on the Florida boundary line be printed for the use of the House. The motion prevailed.

Mr. Hall introduced a bill to change the name of Nancy Elizabeth Cobb, of the county of Appling, to that of Nancy Elizabeth Bowen, and to legitimatize the same; which was read the first time.

Mr. Bell introduced a bill to be entitled an act supplementary to the general tax laws, and to tax certain property therein mentioned, and which has heretofore been exempt from taxation.

Also, a bill to be entitled an act more perfectly to secure the rights of the citizens, the honesty of juries, the purity of judges, and the impartial administration of justice under the laws; which were severally read the first time.

The following message was received from his Excellency the Governor, by Mr. Smith, his Secretary:

Mr. Speaker:—I am instructed by his Excellency the Governor to lay before this branch of the General Assembly, a communication in writing, accompanied by a report from the Director of the Central Bank.

The following message was received from the Senate, by Mr. Glenn, their Secretary:

Mr. Speaker—The Senate has passed a hill to be entitled an act to repeal and amend the several acts regulating roads in this State, so far as respects the operation of said act in the counties of Bryan, Liberty, Mcintosh, Glynn, and Wayne, approved December 8th, 1806, and to provide for the filling of vacancies in the Board of Commissioners authorized by the original act of 1803.

Mr. Kenan laid upon the table the report of Hon. Joseph Henry Lumpkin in reference to the expediency and practicability of condensing and simplifying the laws of this State; which was read and referred to the Committee on the Judiciary.

On motion of Mr. Kenan, 150 copies were ordered to be printed for the use of this House.

Mr. Nisbet laid upon the table the memorial of John D. Gray & Co., praying compensation for extra work upon the Tunnel on the State Road; which was referred to a special committee consisting of Messrs. Nisbet, Calder, Brown, Harrison and Slaughter, without being read.

Mr Fish introduced a bill for the relief of the Merchant's Bank of Macon; which was read the first time.

Mr. Brown, of Burke, introduced a bill to grant certain privileges to the Burke Guards, a volunteer company of infantry in Burke county.

Also, an act to make residence in the judicial district a necessary qualification for State's Attorney and Solicitors General; which were severally read the first time.