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On the Course and Termination of the Niger.

merous, and also dangerous, from being invisible. Owing to the reputed badness of the path by which we had entered Yáoori, it was rejected for a more northerly one, leading, in almost a direct line, to the river Cubbie, on which we embarked to return to Boossá. On entering the Quorra from this river, it was found running at the rate of two or three miles an hour. The banks of the river on the way down to Boossà, as well as its islands, were covered in many places with vast quantities of corn, which grows to the height of ten or twelve feet. The people on both sides are mostly of the Cumbrie race, who are poor, despised, and abused, but industrious and hard-working; in fact, they are considered as slaves by their more powerful neighbours. The river we found much swollen, its current much more impetuous than when we came up to it from Boossà, and many of the shoals and rocks which then annoyed us, were now under water, and completely hidden.

'Sept. 20.—This day we left Boossà, on our voyage down the river. Having taken leave of the old king and queen, on our way towards the river we found our path lined with people, some of whom saluted us on one knee, some on both, and we received their benedictions as we walked along. We embarked at noon. At a small island called Melalie, at which we were obliged to stop to repair our canoe, the current was running three or four miles an hour, and the bed of the river was full of rocks, some of which were shooting up within a few inches of the surface, which occasioned the water to make a loud rushing noise. Owing to the skilfulness of our pilot, we succeeded in crossing one or two reefs, which, in the dry season more especially, must be highly perilous; even as it was, we experienced considerable difficulty in getting over them. At two o'clock we passed the boundaries of Boossà, and entered the dominions of the King of Nouffie. At night we stopped at a large island, called Patáshie. The banks of the river near this place appear fertile and well inhabited: the river was much swollen by the rains, and in some places almost on a level with its banks. Patáshie is about a mile in width, and several miles in length. Opposite the town of Lēver (also called Layaba), the river becomes very narrow and deep. This town has an extensive population of Nouffie people.

'After leaving Layaba, we ran down the stream for twelve or fourteen miles, the Quorra, during the whole distance, rolling grandly along—a noble river, neither obstructed by islands, nor deformed with rocks and stones. Its width varied from one to three miles, the country on each side very flat, and a few mean, dirty-looking villages scattered on the water's edge. Just below the town of Bajiebo the river is divided by an island. At this town, which we left on the 5th of October, for the first time, we