Page:Journal of the Royal Geographical Society of London, Volume 1 (2nd edition).djvu/65

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Description of the Natives of King George's Sound.
Long while since Corram quatchet
Evening Corramellon
Cold Mulgàn
Hot or warm weather Ureler
Young Eeniung, Tooting
Sleep Copil
Sleep together Copil nahluc
Listen Yuccan
Hut Toorloit
Wood Poorne
Honeysuckle Moncat
Grass-tree Pāāluc
Gum of grass-tree Perin
Land Moorile
Earth Yahl
Sand Til
Large Ant-hill Weet, or Weetuch
Stone Pwoy
Sea Mammord
River Peerle
Lake Penger
Flint Pal, Tockil, Coorder
Feathers Keardit
Bird Keard
Macaw Noorlark
Black Cockatoo Currāāk
White ditto Munnit
Bronze Pigeon Moorhait
Emu Wait
Kangaroo Warre, fem.
Yungur, male
Other varieties Naioit
Bandicoot Quernd
Dog Toort
Opossum Comal
Ring-tail ditto Nworra
Duck Wackerren
Musk Duck Coatchuck
Black Swan Marlie
Eagle Warlit
Parrots Tiajip
Hawk Corriore
Night Cuckoo Combiac
Snakes Norne
——— Diamond Wackul
Lizards, Short Youern
——— Long-tailed Wandy
––– Guana Munnāār
Roots eaten Meerne
Rush Pāāt
Grass Challup
Crawfish Challow
Fresh-water Tortoise Kilon
Eggs Pooye
Hens, laying Pooyiore
Hens of Birds Nāānk
Males Māām
Cry or Call of Birds Mai
Seal Barlard
Whale Mammang
Shark Martiat
Fish Wallah
Quail Pooriock
Noisy, Scoldng Wanker wanker,
Yanger yanger
Serious Mennem
Falsehood Purtup
Hurt or Sore Baruck
Ill Mendeit
Well Toortock
Laugh Cowker
Playful, Joking Wimberner
One who talks much Mai a poole
Deaf Twank ā toot
Tail Neent
Sinews Peet
Dead and Buried Keppiuc chāānuc
Buried Yāhluc