Page:Journal of the Sixth Legislative Council of the Territory of Michigan.djvu/124

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Feb. 28.

Mr. Martin from the committee on the judiciary, to whom was referred the petition of Samuel Reed, made a report adverse to the prayer of the petition, which was concurred in.

Mr. Martin, from the committee on the judiciary, to whom was referred the petition of sundry inhabitants of the Territory, for a law to enable the creditor to collect his debt free of expense, reported that a bill had already been reported on the subject, and moved that the committee be discharged from the further consideration of the petition.

The report was concurred in, and the motion adopted.

In pursuance of notice, Mr. Britain asked leave to introduce a bill to provide for laying out several territorial roads, and a bill to extend the time for laying out certain territorial roads, and for other purposes.

Messrs. Britain, Doty, and Satterlee were appointed a committee to prepare the said bills.

Mr. Martin from the committee on the judiciary, to whom was referred the petition from sundry inhabitants of the counties of Oakland and Macomb, in favor of relieving Samuel Fowler from his legal disabilities, made a report on the same; which was concurred in. ^

In pursuance of notice, Mr. Stockton asked leave to introduce a bill for the relief of certain citizens of the township of Clinton, in the county of Macomb.

Messrs. Stockton, Millington and Renwick were appointed a committee to prepare the said bill.

Mr. Britain gave notice, that he should, on a future day, ask leave to introduce a bill to authorize Mr. Braudhurst to build a dam across the river St. Joseph, in the county of Berrien.

Mr. Millington gave notice, that he should, on a future day, ask leave to introduce a bill to establish the bank of St. Joseph with a capital of five hundred thousand dollars.

On motion of Mr. Britain, the report of the committee on internal improvement, unfavorable to the petition for a dam across the river St. Joseph at Mockasin Ripple, laid on the table yesterday, was taken up and the committee discharged from the further consideration of the subject.

On motion of Mr. Satterlee, the Council proceeded to the consideration of the memorial to Congress, laid on the table yesterday, in relation to an increase of members of the Legislative Council, and an extension of its sessions.

Mr. Doty, moved to add the following to the memorial:

Your memorialists would further represent, that the Executive of this Territory is now appointed by the President and Senate of the United States, for the term of three years; and that by an act of Congress, passed subsequently to the ordinance, he is made ex officio