Page:Journal of the Sixth Legislative Council of the Territory of Michigan.djvu/135

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March 4.]

Mr. Bacon, from the committee on territorial affairs, made the following report, which was concurred in:

The committee on territorial affairs, to whom were referred the petitions of inhabitants of Napoleon and Grass Lake, praying that the north half of townships three south in ranges two and three east, be attached to the township of Grass Lake, and a remonstrance against the same, report:

That townships of six miles square are better calculated to meet the wishes and suit the convenience of the people, in the ordinary transaction of business, than any other: That one section of land being set aside to each of the surveyed townships for the support of schools, the avails of such school lands belong to the surveyed township in which the same are situated, and the control of the same should be given to the people of such townships respectively; it would be inexpedient to organize any townships, except in conformity with said survey, or to enact any law, by which said lands would be rendered less valuable, or their administration given to any other than its own inhabitants: your committee ask to be discharged from the further consideration of the subject.

Mr. Martin, from the committee on the judiciary, to whom was referred the bill amendatory to an act, entitled "an act to provide for the assessment and collection of territorial taxes," reported the same with amendments. Read the first and second time.

Mr. Doty, from the committee on territorial affairs, reported

A bill for the appointment of a territorial printer.

The bill was read the first and second time.

Mr. Stockton, on leave granted, introduced

A bill to incorporate the Shelby and Detroit Rail-road Company.

Mr. Britain, from the committee on printing, reported

A bill to provide for the election of a printer to the Council, and to prescribe his compensation and duties.

The foregoing bills were severally read the first time.

The engrossed bill to incorporate the stockholders of the bank of Wiskonsin, was read the third time and passed.

The engrossed bill to incorporate the bank of Macomb county, being read the third time,

Mr. Stockton moved that the said bill do pass.

And the yeas and nays being demanded on the said motion, it was decided in the negative, as follows:

Yeas: Messrs. Hascall, Millington, Renwick, Satterlee, Stockton—5.

Nays: Messrs. Bacon, Britain, Doty, Durocher, Farnsworth, Martin, Moran, M'Donell, president—8.

So the bill was rejected.

The engrossed bill to organize certain townships being read the third time,

The blanks in the several sections were filled.